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Fighting Drugs in Indonesia, President Prabowo Instructs Strategic Steps


Jakarta – In an effort to combat the increasingly disturbing drug trafficking, President Prabowo Subianto emphasized the government’s commitment to eradicating drugs to the roots. President Prabowo assessed that drugs are not only a threat to the younger generation, but also to the stability and future of the nation. Therefore, a number of strategic steps will be implemented in various regions of Indonesia, including strengthening supervision and collaboration between government institutions, the private sector, and the community.

In a coordination meeting with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Prabowo stated the importance of implementing four main strategies that will strengthen drug eradication efforts.

“Anti-narcotics values ​​must be instilled early on in all levels of society. We will take firm action against dealers, use sophisticated technology for prevention, and collaborate with various parties to ensure the success of the Prevention, Eradication, Abuse, and Illicit Distribution of Drugs (P4GN) program,” said the President.

President Prabowo emphasized the importance of the participation of all elements of society in the war against drugs.

“The war against drugs is our shared responsibility. Every element of society must be proactive in protecting their environment from the threat of drugs. We will create a cleaner, safer, and drug-free Indonesia for the sake of the future of future generations,” he said.

With the implementation of these steps, President Prabowo hopes that Indonesia can soon be free from the clutches of drugs, build a healthy generation, and create a society that is empowered in facing the nation’s challenges.

As one of the areas vulnerable to drug trafficking, Lampung Province is the focus of attention in this strategic step. Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Senior Commissioner Umi Fadilah Astutik, revealed that her area is one of the main routes for drug trafficking to various other areas in Indonesia.

“Drugs are circulating illegally in Lampung. This area is a route for drug trafficking to other areas in Indonesia,” explained Umi.

Umi Fadilah also added that drugs target people from various backgrounds, both in terms of profession and age. According to her, the most drug cases uncovered came from actions at Bakauheni Port, the main gateway to Sumatra Island.

“Meanwhile, the disclosure of drug cases so far has been mostly exposed from the results of the action at Bakauheni Port, Lampung,” he said.

On the other hand, supervision of Correctional Institutions (Lapas) and Detention Centers (Rutan) that are prone to being places for drug trafficking has also been tightened. Head of the West Papua Correctional Division, Haposan Silalahi, emphasized the commitment to maintaining the security and cleanliness of prisons from drug trafficking.

“Strengthening supervision through routine inspections is a concrete step in complying with the Direction of the Minister of Immigration and Corrections. We are committed to ensuring that all Prisons and Detention Centers in West Papua implement the highest security standards and are free from drug trafficking,” he said.

As part of the national strategy, four steps initiated by the BNN RI have also received attention. First, instilling anti-illegal narcotics values ​​through education to the community from an early age. Second, strict law enforcement against dealers and distributors. Third, the use of technology to increase the effectiveness of prevention and eradication. Finally, broad collaboration between the government, private sector, and education sector to create strong synergy in combating drug trafficking. []

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