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Government Continues to Intensify Law Enforcement to Save Young Generation from Drugs


Bandung – Eradication of drugs is one of the important issues that continues to receive attention from various parties, including the government, law enforcement officers, and the community. Consistent law enforcement is the main key to breaking the chain of drug trafficking

As a form of firm commitment in eradicating drug abuse, Battalion D Pelopor Satbrimob Polda Jawa Barat held a joint assembly accompanied by the signing of the anti-drug integrity statement fact at the ceremonial field of the Command Headquarters (Mako) of Battalion D Pelopor Satbrimob, Cineam District, led directly by the Battalion Commander (Danyon), Kompol Dr. Fajar Cahyono, S.Pd., MM

“As part of the Indonesian National Police, we from the D Pioneer Battalion of the West Java Regional Police Mobile Brigade Corps are committed to supporting the steps and policies of the leadership in preventing the spread of drugs. This is also one of our real steps in supporting the Asta Cita of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, to eradicate drugs in Indonesia,” said Fajar.

Drugs are one of the biggest threats to the young generation and social stability, the war on drugs requires firm and collaborative steps. Consistent law enforcement is the main key to breaking the drug chain.

“Hopefully with the existence of this integrity fact, all parties can work together well. This is an important step in efforts to prevent and eradicate drugs, especially in East Priangan,” Fajar concluded.

The signing of this integrity fact is a real manifestation of Brimob’s spirit to maintain integrity and public trust, while also supporting the national drug eradication program which is the government’s main concern.

Head of BNN Kuningan, Agus Mulya MPd said that his party had taken various concrete steps throughout 2024. Of course, in order to eradicate drug trafficking and at the same time rehabilitate drug abusers.

“We are working hard through various strategic programs, to ensure that Kuningan Regency is free from the threat of drugs. Support from the local government, related agencies, and all elements of society is very much needed,” he said.

Indonesia needs synergy from all elements of the nation to eradicate drugs. With strict law enforcement, continuous preventive measures, and community support, the hope of realizing a drug-free Indonesia is increasingly real.

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