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Government Continues to Suppress Online Gambling Addiction in Society and Policy Challenges in the Digital Era


By: Ratna Soemirat )*

The phenomenon of online gambling (judol) has become a serious problem in Indonesia, with disturbing impacts on various aspects of people’s lives. Although the government and law enforcement have launched various strategies to overcome the problem of addiction (excessive individual dependence) to online gambling. In the view of a public policy observer, the steps taken so far need to be continuously evaluated and improved so that the eradication of judol can be effective.f and sustainable.

According to a report by the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), the turnover of money in online gambling practices in 2023 reached IDR 327 trillion. This figure illustrates the large scale of the illegal economy that is damaging social and economic stability. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Mahendra Siregar, said that his institution had blocked around 5,000 accounts suspected of being related to this activity from the end of 2023 to early 2024. This blocking was carried out to close the financial access of the perpetrators and hamper their operations.

However, the main obstacle in eradicating this is the digital nature of the crime. Online gambling sites that have been blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi) often reappear in new forms. Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, revealed that the government has removed more than 92 thousand online gambling sites since 2017. This step shows the government’s commitment, although technical challenges and regulatory weaknesses are still significant obstacles.

The government is also working with major technology platforms such as Google, Meta, and TikTok to remove keywords related to online gambling from search engines and social media. In addition, more than 1,361 keywords on Google and 7,252 keywords on Meta have been removed since November 2024. This step aims to reduce public exposure to online gambling promotions. However, as Meutya Hafid acknowledged, the re-emergence of new sites shows the need for a more comprehensive approach, including efforts to track and block the main servers used by the perpetrators.

The increasing complexity of digital crime also requires updates in the policy structure. The appointment of Brigadier General Alexander Sabar as Acting Director General of Digital Space Supervision based on Presidential Regulation Number 174 of 2024 is a strategic step. The main task of this position is to supervise the digital space, including preventing online gambling and data theft. This new position is expected to increase public trust in digital security.

From a legal perspective, concrete steps continue to be taken by the police. Between April and May 2024, 142 suspects from 115 cases related to online gambling have been arrested. In addition, 85 influencers suspected of promoting online gambling sites have also been prosecuted. This law enforcement is important to provide a deterrent effect, especially for parties who use their popularity to advertise illegal practices.

Public policy observers see that eradicating online gambling is not enough with just a technical and legal approach. Solving this problem requires a multidimensional approach, including public education. OJK, for example, has developed the cekrekening.id platform that allows the public to verify accounts that are suspected of being illegal. This platform is expected to increase the public’s digital literacy while reducing the potential for fraud.

In addition, the human trafficking case involving 21 Indonesian citizens in Myanmar shows that the impact of online gambling goes beyond geographical boundaries. The victims were forced to work as  online gambling operators  in conflict areas. In situations like this, cross-border collaboration is crucial. The diplomatic operation led by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that measures to protect citizens need to be strengthened.

However, it is undeniable that the government itself still faces internal challenges. The case of alleged abuse of authority in the Ministry of Communication and Digital has been in the spotlight, with 26 suspects, including officials, arrested in connection with the manipulation of blocking judol sites. This issue shows the need for better transparency and accountability in policy implementation.

In the long term, eradicating online gambling requires synergy between regulation, technology, and public education. The government needs to ensure that all steps taken can create sustainable effects. In addition, strengthening digital literacy in the community must be a priority to build awareness about the dangers of online gambling and how to protect yourself from its negative effects.

Under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto, Komdigi has cut off access to 187 thousand online gambling sites in just ten days. This figure is the largest number of blocks in a short time. However, wider handling needs to be careful considering that a number of his ministry employees were involved in similar cases. The Komdigi Ministry emphasized that the government’s efforts to eradicate online gambling do not stop at blocking sites. The next step is to eradicate online gambling servers.

In conclusion, online gambling is a policy challenge that requires a holistic approach. Law enforcement, regulatory reform, international cooperation, and public education are important elements that must go hand in hand. With a strong commitment and coordinated strategy, the government is expected to create a safer and more conducive digital space for the Indonesian people.

)* Social Problems Researcher – Nusantara Social Studies Institute

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