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Government Successfully Creates Safe and Comfortable New Year Celebration


JAKARTA  — The government has succeeded in creating a safe and comfortable 2025 New Year celebration for the community, with various coordination steps and thorough preparation from various sectors.

The central government, through the Ministry of Tourism, PT PLN, and the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (PMK), ensured that there would be no significant obstacles in welcoming the end-of-year holidays.

The Ministry of Tourism through the Circular Letter of the Minister of Tourism Number SE/1/PP.03.00/MP/2024, strengthens the appeal to all tourism actors in Bali to prioritize the comfort, cleanliness, and safety of tourists.

“Because this is a fairly long end-of-year holiday season, it is important to present comfortable, clean, and enjoyable tourism, one of which is in Bali,” said Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Acting Deputy for Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism.

Bali, as Indonesia’s main tourism destination, receives a surge in both domestic and international visitors.

Made also said that the Bali Provincial Government has prepared mitigation measures by opening Christmas and New Year posts, as well as implementing traffic flow management in areas prone to congestion.

“We monitor bad weather and natural disasters regularly, involving various parties including the Bali Police and the Bali Provincial Transportation Agency,” he added.

With these various preparations, the government has succeeded in realizing a smooth New Year celebration without any significant disruption.

In the electricity sector, PT PLN ensures that the electricity supply remains stable to support various community activities.

“The electricity supply for New Year’s Eve, thank God, is safe and smooth,” said PT PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo.

PLN has prepared more than 81,000 officers and opened more than 4,300 standby posts to monitor and ensure the smooth running of the electricity system throughout Indonesia.

Especially in vital locations such as churches, cathedrals and shopping malls, electricity supply is strictly maintained to ensure the celebrations continue smoothly.

Coordinating Minister for PMK, Pratikno, also conducted direct monitoring in Yogyakarta, and assessed that the situation in the area was safe.

“In general, the atmosphere is good. All parties have done their best in carrying out security,” Pratikno said after attending a video conference on security with the Regional Police Chiefs and Military Commanders throughout Indonesia.

He added that even though the majority of Indonesia was hit by rain, the security and comfort of the celebrations were still well maintained.

With comprehensive steps and synergy between institutions, the 2025 New Year celebration in Indonesia will take place safely, comfortably, and without obstacles. (*)

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