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Job Creation Perppu (Government Regulation in Lieu of Law) Create Economic Stability


By : Naomi Leah Christine )*

Creation Perppu was just passed at the end of 2022 and played a role very important for economic stability. With awake stability economy , field work for Public will the more lots and well- being could Keep going awake .

Government Regulation in Lieu of Law ( Perppu ) number 2 of 2022 was just inaugurated by President Jokowi at the end of 2022 . With the new Perppu , economic stability will improve. Especially after the pandemic, when the country’s financial condition was unstable.

To deal with the impact of the pandemic on the economy and stabilize Indonesia’s finances, one of the government’s “move” is to pass the Job Creation Perppu . Deputy President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that the Job Creation Perppu was made for the country’s economic stability. The issuance of this Perppu is to fill the regulatory vacuum while the Job Creation Law is being revised, based on a Constitutional Court decision.

The Vice President continued, the regulatory vacuum is very dangerous. Therefore the Job Creation Perppu was ratified by the government. That way, there will be guarantees and a legal umbrella for investors so that they can invest in Indonesia safely.

In a sense, the regulatory vacuum is indeed dangerous, especially when it comes to the economy and investment. Don’t let the country’s economy decline because there are no binding regulations and keep it from getting out of the corridor. Therefore the Job Creation Perppu is here so that the Indonesian economy remains stable.

The economy can be stable when there are many investors coming in. Moreover, one indicator of a country’s progress is the amount of investment there. Therefore, the government issued a Perppu that can protect foreign investors, so that they will no longer hesitate to do business in Indonesia.

Creation Perppu cuts complicated permits. So that foreign investors will easily get permission when they want to start a company in Indonesia. With this Perppu , permits can be taken care of online through an integrated system. The system will set up so that licensing is done quickly, in just a few working days.

Investors will not be afraid of being stymied by long and tedious bureaucracy. The reason is because they understand that regulations have changed and the Jokowi government has broken down by cutting bureaucracy, so it doesn’t beat around the bush.

Why is there a Perppu that is pro-investor? When there are investors, there will be a positive domino effect. Where did they come and build various factories with various fields in Indonesia. The economy grew because the business world became more dynamic and new factories appeared. Investors are sure to invest their capital because there is a guarantee from President Jokowi and the Perppu Cipta Kerja as a strong legal umbrella.

The positive domino effect of the Job Creation Perppu is that this regulation attracts many investors and new factories and businesses emerge. The business world is becoming more dynamic and automatically adding jobs. People can work again and get a monthly salary. With this salary, it can be spent and the wheels of the country’s economy run fast.

Indonesia is emerging from the negative effects of the pandemic that has affected the country’s economy. Therefore the government is trying hard to stabilize the economy again. Therefore the Job Creation Perppu was passed and investors are welcome to come to this country.

Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi stated that there was bilateral work with Singapore. There will be as much as 220 billion dollars in funds until 2030. Then, a bilateral agreement with Singapore will become a model for investment agreements with other countries. In a sense, many governments of other countries have promised to invest in Indonesia.

So far, many countries have become investors in Indonesia, and the first place is Singapore. Apart from the governments of other countries, entrepreneurs are also personally interested in investing in this country. The reason is because Indonesia is considered to have potential, has good natural wealth and human resources, and its people tend to be consumptive.

Therefore, all parties are expected to fully support the Job Creation Perppu . The reason is because this Perppu has many benefits, especially for the Indonesian economy. The Job Creation Perppu will attract many foreign investors so that the business world in this country will become more lively. The economy will not die because there are lots of capital injections from many countries.

Creation Perppu was passed for economic stability in Indonesia. When there is this Perppu , there is a security guarantee for foreign investors. Apart from that, the ratification of this Perppu is also to raise the country’s economy from the effects of the pandemic for almost 3 years. Indonesia will be more advanced .

)* Writer is contributor  Nesia Core Media Institute

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