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Kill KST for the sake of Papua’s Security and Order


By : Timothy gobay )*

The security forces consisting of joint personnel, both from the TNI and Polri, have a very strong commitment to being able to crush separatist and terrorist groups (KST) in Papua in order to continue to guarantee security and order as well as a conducive situation in Cenderawasih Earth.

Acts of armed terror which are still and continue to be carried out by armed criminal groups (KKB) or also called armed civilian groups (KSB) and also called separatist and terrorist groups (KST) in Papua are still happening so that they are a concern for all parties, especially the security forces of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

In fact, various efforts have actually been made, both efforts through territorial approaches and pursuit, in fact all of them have been carried out in a measurable manner, namely the main target is to make the leaders of these groups who are already targeted or on the wanted list (DPO).

Regarding all of these security efforts, the TNI Commander, Admiral TNI Yudo Margono confirm that indeed it is the duty of all ranks of the TNI to continue to cooperate with the Police in order to always provide a sense of security to all people so that if there is a security disturbance, especially if the disturbance is carried out by KST in Papua, then it must be dealt with firmly but still measurably .

In its efforts to take firm but measurable action, his side together with commanders in all regions in Papua have even held meetings and also evaluations, so that in the future all handling processes related to security issues can be carried out quickly and precisely.

Of course, the consolidation and evaluation efforts are very important things to do so that when taking action, no community will be affected at all. Furthermore, Admiral TNI Yudo Margono also confessed that apart from pursuing KST in Papua, his party is also continuing to carry out various kinds of territorial programs aimed at continuing to help the community. According to him, there are still many people in Papua who must be assisted through various territorial programs, including in terms of food security.

Meanwhile, Member of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) from Papua, Yan Mandenas request so The TNI Commander together with all stakeholders can take strategic steps as soon as possible and are far more effective and more efficient because the acts of terror committed by KST are becoming more intense day by day.

and efficient steps according to Yan Mandenas of course a things that need to be taken and adapted to the Papua region because the problems that each region has may be different. In Papua itself, there are areas that are currently in turmoil, there are also areas that are safe, and there are also areas that are suspected of being infiltrated and these are areas where strategic steps must be taken to overcome them.

Member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR from Papua who is also a member of the Republic of Indonesia Politician Party Gerindra that confirm that of course must there is collaboration in resolve all the conflicts that occurred in Cenderawasih Earth because they could not be completely handed over directly to the TNI and Polri. So according to him, with this cooperation, he hopes that Papua can gradually return to safety and conduciveness because various upheavals can be overcome.

On the other hand, National Police Chief Gen. Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo admitted that the existence of disturbances to security and public order (Kamtibmas) carried out by KST in Papua still occurs frequently so that it can have an impact on the development that is being carried out in the area. This is because the separatist and terrorist groups not only attacked civilians and security forces, but they also set fire to the heavy equipment used.

In fact, in fact the intensive development carried out by the Government of Indonesia throughout Indonesia, including to remote Papua itself, is actually aimed at continuing to improve the people’s economy. Therefore, the TNI and Polri will continue to ensure that all planned developments run well, so that the welfare of the local community can increase.

According to the National Police Chief, because of the disturbance of the law and order that occurred, according to the National Police Chief, it has indeed hampered the development process so that in the future many steps will be taken in order to enforce the law in a firm but measurable manner.

In order to continue to create conditions throughout Papua that are safe, orderly and conducive, all security forces consisting of joint TNI and Polri personnel have a very strong commitment to being able to crush Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) in Papua. This is because the disturbance of the community service and order that they are carrying out is also related to the disruption of the development process planned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. [ ]

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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