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Facing the fluctuating global economic situation this year, the government plans to implement regulations that can improve the condition of the national economy, the Omnibus Law. With the Omnibus Law, it is hoped that overlapping policies can be overcome so as to create a better investment climate that is able to attract investors to invest in Indonesia. However, it turns out that some circles still think that Omnibus Law will only harm workers.
The factor that is questioned by workers is related to outsourcing, given the practice of outsourcing that has begun to expand into various occupational scopes. Trade unions have been questioning the practice of outsourcing which is now beginning to spread to core business activities. Even though what is allowed according to the law is non-core.
In the Omnibus Law draft relating to the Draft Work Act, the points discussing outsourcing are in Chapters IX 64-66. Articles 64 and 65 of Law No. 13 of 2003 which become the basis and regulate the detailed provisions related to outsourcing are actually deleted in the Bill Working Copyrights. With this in mind, the workers suspect that the government gives concessions to businesses to be more flexible in recruiting employees, especially through outsourcing mechanisms.
It is this miscommunication and misinterpretation that has made the Omnibus Law increasingly opposed by the community. In fact, this policy was formed so that workers can work more freely and are protected by law.

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