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President Prabowo Instructs Serious Action, Eradicating Drugs a National Priority


Jakarta – In order to maintain national security, President Prabowo Subianto emphasized that eradicating drugs will be the government’s top priority. Through the Asta Cita program, one of the eight major missions of the Prabowo-Gibran government, this effort is directed at fighting corruption and drugs as part of ongoing legal and bureaucratic reform towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

This Presidential Instruction received a positive response from various parties at the regional level, including the Lampung Police Chief, Inspector General Helmy Santika. The Lampung Police are committed to continuing to take firm action in uncovering and eradicating drug networks in their area. “We are serious about uncovering and continuously preventing and eradicating drug trafficking,” said Helmy Santika.

Police Chief Helmy explained that in the effort to eradicate drugs, the Lampung Police are not working alone. The Lampung Police continue to coordinate with the National Police Headquarters, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), local governments, and the TNI to ensure the success of this effort. He also mentioned major cases that were successfully uncovered in Lampung, such as the Fredy Pratama drug lord network that involved a number of officers. “In Lampung, various drug disclosures have always been a serious concern. Handling it never stops. We continue to collaborate with various related parties,” he said.

According to Police Chief Helmy, support from the community and all parties is needed to ensure the achievement of the Prabowo-Gibran government’s vision, namely “Together with Advanced Indonesia.” He hopes that all elements of society will participate in efforts to eradicate drugs to create a safer and drug-free environment.

The Cilacap Regency National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) also supports the vision. The Head of the Cilacap Regency BNN, KBP Dinnar Widargo, explained that Indonesia faces major challenges related to drug trafficking, especially because of its strategic location on international trade routes, which makes it easier for drugs to enter the country. “Indonesia is a favorite for drug trafficking. If everyone thinks that drugs are forbidden, then drugs can disappear in Indonesia,” he explained.

Dinnar added that law enforcement officers (APH) in Indonesia must have high integrity and always maintain faith and piety in carrying out their duties. “APH must truly become agents of drug eradication like the program of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka through the Asta Cita program,” he said.

He also highlighted that the majority of cases currently occupying detention centers and correctional institutions are drug cases. Therefore, he invited the public to work together to eradicate drug trafficking so that these prohibited goods are no longer consumed by the next generation of the nation who should be protected from the bad influence of drugs. “Let’s help, let’s eradicate, so that drugs are not consumed by people who shouldn’t,” added Dinnar.

With the support of various institutions and communities, the government is optimistic that the vision of a drug-free Indonesia can be achieved. Collaborative efforts involving law enforcement officers, local governments, and communities are expected to create a safer and more advanced Indonesia in the future.

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