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Security Forces Make Sure to Guard Aid for Drought Victims Despite the Threat of KST Papua


By : Alvaro Hukubun )*

The security forces ensured that they would oversee all aid for drought victims in Puncak Regency, Central Papua, even though the threat of KST Papua still existed. This in no way dampens the enthusiasm that is shared by all levels of the security apparatus to ensure that all the people of Cenderawasih Earth live safely and comfortably.

As is well known, several areas in Papua, especially Puncak Regency, Central Papua, have experienced drought in the past week. The drought that hit Papua has caused local residents to suffer from several diseases and it was even reported that six people died.

            The Indonesian government has distributed aid to local residents, but access there is said to be quite difficult amidst the threat of the Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) that are still around. So that assistance cannot be directly used by airplane, but can be reached on foot from the Sinak District to other districts.

            It is undeniable that the potential for security disturbances from KST Papua is indeed threatening factors coming from the Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) led by Egianus Kogoya, but the security forces will ensure that they escort the aid so that it reaches the victims and no aid is received. taken by irresponsible persons. 

            The aid that arrived was in the form of basic materials which were distributed to the Sinak District as the main command post, then distributed to Lambewi District and Agandugume District on foot. The reason is, according to the Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhri, the district is classified as vulnerable, because both are crossings for the Papua Terrorist Separatist Group (KST). Therefore, in order to prevent further security disturbances, aid delivery was distributed on foot.

            Meanwhile, according to Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Colonel Kav Herman Taryaman, the local government and local security forces were forced to ask drought-affected residents to take aid to Sinak. Previously, the Regent of Puncak, Willem Wandik, stated that the drought had claimed victims of hunger and death. The victims who died included Yenis Telenggen (38), Yemina Murib (42), Ater Tabuni (46), Tenus Murib (46), Tera Murib (39), and a baby named Ila Telenggen.

            For information, the drought that hit Papua was triggered by extreme weather with low temperatures, even without rain hitting Central Papua. So, these conditions have made the lands in Papua dry since last May 2023. The sweet potato and taro farmers experienced crop failure and the local people ended up lacking food supplies to the point of starvation. They are forced to eat root crops that have rotted due to crop failure, as a result they are again exposed to diseases such as diarrhea, fever, mouth sores, and headaches.

            Actually, shortly after the drought disaster that hit the people in Puncak Papua Regency, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) also immediately acted very quickly. Through the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos RI) and the TNI, the distribution of aid in the form of food ingredients was carried out directly to the disaster site.

            However, due to a series of actions and heinous acts that were continuously carried out by the Papuan separatist group, the execution of the distribution of aid was hampered due to the consideration of the security factor. Until now, aid has been sent to the Sinak District.

            The Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Mathius D Fakhiri revealed that there are 2 (two) districts in Bumi Cenderawasih which are very vulnerable points because they are usually classified as entering the KST Papua crossing area, usually at 3 ( three) districts, namely in Puncak, Puncak Jaya and Lanny Jaya.

            Of course, by knowing the conditions of these very vulnerable locations, the Police really want that the process of delivering aid to the victims of the drought disaster is not disrupted by the security process which can actually cause casualties.

            What’s more, that to be able to get to that location point can only be reached by walking or using a small plane. But the security forces are committed 

Full to provide assistance and can ensure all distribution to drought victims runs smoothly. The solution offered is to mobilize the community to come to Sinak.

            Security guarding will also of course be greatly tightened so that people who take aid from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia are not disturbed by the existence and actions of KST Papua so that they can get their rights to the fullest.

            Even though there is a very serious threat from KST Papua, the hard work of all ranks of the joint personnel security apparatus deserves a very high appreciation because it is tireless at all to be able to distribute all assistance to residents affected by drought victims in Puncak Regency.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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