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Security Forces Synergy to Tackle OPM Threats Ensures Papua Regional Elections are Safe


PAPUA — The government and security forces are intensively increasing security in Papua to maintain stability during the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

The threat from the Free Papua Movement (OPM) is a major focus, especially in vulnerable areas such as Intan Jaya.

In the regional political contest, security forces tightened security to ensure the smooth running of the election process and the safety of citizens.

The Intelligence Officer of Battalion 509, Lieutenant TNI Purba, said that the separatist group targeted attacks on regional head candidates who were campaigning.

“Separatist groups often ask for security funds from political candidates competing in regional elections. If the request is not met, this group does not hesitate to make threats and acts of violence,” he said.

Purba added that OPM was trying to create instability in Intan Jaya.

The attack on November 1, 2024, for example, caused fear among residents who were gathered at the campaign location.

He appealed to the public to remain vigilant and stay away from locations considered risky.

“Security forces, the TNI, have increased security in areas considered vulnerable. Tighter security in the city center and strategic locations is expected to prevent further attacks from the separatist group,” he said.

On November 7, 2024, logistics for the Central Papua Gubernatorial Election arrived at Mulia Airport, Puncak Jaya Regency, under tight security by police officers.

Head of Operations, Police Commissioner R. Ahmad Hari Junianto, S.Kom said that this logistics security was carried out to anticipate security disturbances during the arrival of the election logistics.

“Today we are closely monitoring the ballot papers for the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Papua Province, to anticipate unwanted things,” he said.

Head of the Banops OMPC II Central Papua Task Force, AKBP Herzoni Saragih, said that large-scale patrols had been carried out in vulnerable areas to create a safe atmosphere for the community.

The patrol involved 75 personnel from the Papua Police, Brimob, and Polres, and is expected to provide a sense of security for residents during the campaign phase.

“This patrol aims to create safe and comfortable conditions for the community, especially during the 2024 Pilkada campaign period,” he said.

These steps reflect the commitment of the government and security forces to maintaining security during the Papua Pilkada.

The presence of officers in the field is expected to be a guarantee for the community to participate in the regional level democratic party without fear and pressure from any party.

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