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Situation of PT. GNI Becomes More Conducive, Communities Are Urged to Maintain Order and Security


Morowali Utara – The current situation at PT. Gunbusters Nickel Industry (GNI) after the clash incident that occurred on Saturday (14/1/2023) is currently conducive and workers are carrying out their activities as usual and have started going to work.

Religious figure Religious figure Ustadz Faisal Dg. Siame , Rais Syuriah The management of the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch (PCNU) of North Morowali district gave an appeal to all people and employees of PT. GNI to assist in creating a conducive situation.

“I appeal to all North Morowali people to continue their activities as usual, especially to all employees, workers who are within the scope of PT. GNI,” he said.

“Together we maintain security and order so that the investment climate continues as usual,” he continued.

In addition, in order to maintain conduciveness and brotherhood among employees of PT. Gunbusters Nickel Industry (GNI) with PT. Sturdust Estate Investment (SEI) held various competitions. The competition is also to welcome the 2023 Chinese New Year celebrations.

Mister Jiang Chao as public HOD PT . GNI said that the competition held was a form of togetherness among employees at PT. GNI to maintain the existing harmony.

“This activity is a form of brotherhood, togetherness, and gratitude for the company and employees, both local workers and foreign workers. To maintain harmony and strengthen each other,” said Mr. Jiang

In addition, PT. GNI also contributes to the people of North Morowali by providing assistance to a number of orphanages there.

PT. GNI provided at least 320 egg racks, 160 sacks of rice, 160 cartons of milk, 160 bottles of coconut oil, 160 cartons of snacks and 160 packages of raw crackers to a number of orphanages in North Morowali.

Mister Jiang Chao who went directly to provide assistance to a number of orphanages. He hopes that this assistance can be useful for children in orphanages.

“Through this assistance, we hope it will be of benefit to all the children who are in this orphanage,” said Mister Jiang Chao .

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