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The Government Guarantees a Large Portion of ASN OAP in Filling the Papua New Guinea


Papua – A large portion to fill the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is given specifically to indigenous Papuans (OAP), all of whom have also been guaranteed fulfillment by the Government of Indonesia to be able to maximize development and accelerate the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

The composition regarding how many ASNs in the division of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua is filled by up to 80% (percent) of ASN who are OAP. Unmitigated, the Government also held an apprenticeship program to Java for the country’s civil servants in developed regions.

Of course, with an apprenticeship program to more advanced regions in Indonesia for the ASN from OAP, it will enable them to understand and know how the state civil apparatus works in advanced regions and it is hoped that they will be able to learn a lot. So that it will also have a very good impact on the progress of the region on Cenderawasih Earth.

Because it is also undeniable that with an increase in the quality possessed by these ASNs, it will also greatly affect how to accelerate development or development of the progress of the local area, so that it will also be able to accelerate the improvement of the welfare of the people there.

Related to how the Government’s commitment to really utilize all existing human resources (HR) from OAP itself as much and as well as possible, namely with a very large portion given to residents there to become ASN and fill development in the expansion of the Papua New Guinea region, of course deserving of great appreciation.

The Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB), Abdullah Azwar Anas said that there was recruitment for ASN as a very real form of affirmation of the Government’s commitment to advancing the Cenderawasih Earth region through OAP community members. Recruitment for ASN is given a portion of up to 80% (percent) for OAP.

Furthermore, the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform also added that the portion of recruitment was very large for the position of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in filling out the new autonomous regions in Papua, which also applies to all regions of the new autonomous regions, including Southwest Papua, South Papua, Central Papua to the Papua Mountains Province.

Then in the context of structuring the state civil apparatus in the Papua New Guinea to become even better, even the Government of the Republic of Indonesia also has very special attention, namely preparing apprenticeships for those ASN who are OAP and so that this step can be accelerated for its realization , so that the acceleration of development and progress to increase the welfare of the people can be realized soon.

On another occasion, previously, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian stated that with the division of regions in Cenderawasih Earth, namely with the existence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) Papua, it was clear that the aim was to be able to accelerate development in the easternmost province of Indonesia. the Archipelago.

Not only does it aim to realize accelerated development, but with the Papua New Guinea it is also able to create public services which are expected to be much faster and easier for the public bureaucracy in the Land of Papua to become increasingly streamlined.

Appreciation should be given to the efforts of the Government under President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), because he really understands all the people in Cenderawasih Earth very well, including how concerned he is for all citizens in the Land of Papua, by cutting bureaucracy, namely regional expansion through the Papua New Guinea .

The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has also succeeded in fighting for a special formation for ASN so that a large portion of it can only be filled by OAP people, so that they will also certainly get privileges in filling in CPNS formations.

Not only limited to the number, the Government has also provided specifics regarding the age limit for OAP to be accepted as Civil Servants, from the previous 35 year old age limit that applies to the public according to the Law (UU), but to 50 years a special limit applies for OAP in Papua New Guinea.

Currently, the focus that must be carried out and pursued by all elements of the nation, especially for OAP itself is how to be able to fill the existence of regional expansion through the Papua New Guinea as best as possible. In this regard, the Government provides many specialties including also providing a large portion for OAP as much as 80 percent to be able to fill positions as ASN there.

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