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The Situation in North Morowali is Increasingly Conducive, the Morut DPRD Appreciates the Hard Work of the Joint Apparatus


North Morowali — The situation in North Morowali Regency is now more conducive. DPRD Kab. North Morowali also gave a very high appreciation for the hard work that has been carried out by the Joint Apparatus from elements of the Police, TNI, to BIN. Member of the DPRD of North Morowali Regency from the PKS Party, Yanto Baoli, gave high appreciation to the security forces for having returned conduciveness to normal after the clash between workers at PT GNI. Furthermore, he also really hopes that the situation in North Morowali will continue to be maintained cool and peaceful because this will affect the investment climate in the country. “We must give appreciation to law enforcement officials, in this case the National Police because North Morowali Regency is in a conducive state. Our hope as representatives of the people is that it will always be cool, peaceful and the climate for investing here will always be maintained, the signs of the rules will continue to be maintained by investors who will enter,” he said. Yanto Baoli also hopes that the clash at PT GNI will not happen again in the future. He explained how the security efforts that have been carried out by the TNI and Polri have been tireless in order to keep the situation conducive and comfortable for investment activities. “There will be no more events like the ones that happened a few days ago. We really appreciate the TNI and Polri who have worked extra tirelessly day and night. They continue to carry out security both where there are problems and in general in North Morowali it is very conducive and safe, it is comfortable here to invest, “said the member of the DPRD of North Morowali Regency. The people’s representative also appealed to the whole community to continue to maintain order because according to him PT GNI is a place for the community itself to meet their daily needs so it must be maintained. “PT GNI is our shared asset and belongs to North Morowali. PT GNI is a place for us to find food, so we have to look after it together and there shouldn’t be any obstacles for investors to enter,” said Yanto Baoli. On the other hand, the Chairperson of the DPRD of North Morowali Regency, Megawati Ambo Arsa, stated that indeed the conducive atmosphere in North Morowali cannot be separated from the role of the security forces. Chairman of the District Council North Morowali also hopes that all the problems that have occurred can be resolved and a solution is found by sitting together. “Praise God, this is safe and conducive thanks to all stakeholders, especially officers from the TNI and Polri, along with the people of North Morowali themselves. We hope that this incident will not occur in North Morowali, we hope that all problems and incidents can be discussed and discussed together to find the right solution for this area,” he concluded.***

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