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Together Against Online Gambling with Active Community Involvement


By: Clara Diah Wulandari)*

Online gambling has become a serious threat that damages the social and economic order of society. Amidst the rapid development of technology, online gambling is increasingly easy to access, reaching anyone, from children to adults. Ironically, this practice is often disguised as a lucrative opportunity, even though its impact is devastating, not only for individuals, but also for families and communities.

It is time for us all to move together against this danger. With collective awareness and real action from the community, the eradication of online gambling can be more effective. It is not only the task of law enforcement or the government, this struggle requires the active participation of every element of society so that its negative impacts can be stopped.

With thousands of affiliated accounts blocked by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), this firm step proves that the eradication of online gambling cannot be postponed. This is a call for all parties to participate in fighting this threat.

OJK has blocked more than 7,000 accounts related to online gambling through a system based on the Population Identification Number (NIK). This means that if someone has multiple accounts connected to one NIK, all of them will be blocked.

West Java OJK Supervisor Agus Yayan Cahyan explained that this step is part of an effort to eradicate holding accounts used for illegal activities. Identification is carried out in parallel with data from Digital Communication (Kom Digi), which tracks transfer flows on online gambling sites. This data is then used to block accounts identified as holding accounts.

Agus appealed to people whose accounts were blocked to immediately check their status with the OJK or the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force to ensure whether the account is truly affiliated with illegal activities. However, responsibility does not stop with the OJK. Law enforcement against accounts used by online gamblers is the domain of law enforcement.

The Red and White Community Forum of Bandung Regency, for example, has declared its commitment to combating this practice. This community movement has an important role in combating online gambling.

This declaration was appreciated by Agus Yayan and considered an important step to increase public awareness about the dangers of online gambling and illegal online loans. Education like this is needed to instill an understanding that eradicating online gambling must start from self-awareness, family, and community.

Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, appreciated this community movement. According to him, the dangers of online gambling not only damage individuals but also the national financial system. Cucun emphasized that online gambling is a dangerous form of fraud, regardless of the sweet promises offered.

Cucun invited the public to be vigilant and not fall into this trick. In the event, the public conveyed five important commitments, starting from rejecting all forms of online gambling to supporting the government in eradicating this illegal activity.

On the other hand, the Chancellor of the Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ma’mun Murod, highlighted the need for a serious policy approach to address this problem. According to him, efforts to eradicate online gambling must involve all elements of the state, starting from the President, the Chief of Police, the TNI Commander, to the Minister of Communication and Digital.

Ma’mun also emphasized that public understanding must be improved. Many are trapped in online gambling due to low education and ignorance. He reminded that there is no gambling practice that makes players rich; only the bookies benefit. Therefore, the state needs to pay special attention, including education that targets vulnerable communities directly.

The damage caused by online gambling cannot be underestimated. In addition to destroying the household economy, this practice also contributes to increasing mental and physical health disorders. Studies show that divorce due to economic problems is often triggered by online gambling. The impact also extends to social relationships, making online gamblers increasingly isolated.

Gambling is an act that is not only forbidden by religion, but also destroys the mental and physical of the perpetrators. Those who are addicted to online gambling often experience social disorders, health, and economic ruin that leads to divorce.

Fighting online gambling is not just the task of law enforcement or institutions such as the OJK. This is a shared responsibility. From the public declaring an anti-gambling movement to academics calling for serious policies, all elements have a role to play. You can also be part of this change, from spreading information, supporting the anti-gambling movement, to reporting illegal activities that you encounter.

Let’s fight online gambling together. With the active involvement of the community, eradicating this practice can be more effective. Every small step, such as refusing online gambling offers or reporting suspicious accounts, is a big contribution in this fight. Don’t let our nation continue to be damaged by this threat. It’s time for us to stand together for a brighter future free from the dangers of online gambling.

)* The author is a contributor to the Ruang Baca Nusantara

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