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PEN Pushes New Economic Potential


By: Abhimanyu Pradipta)*

The National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) which is used as a solution to overcome the impact of the pandemic, will encourage new economic potential. The reason is, this program is more focused on helping MSME entrepreneurs, in 2021. So that small businesses will be stimulated and new economic potential will emerge.
The pandemic that we have been through for a year has almost made the economy of many people collapse, especially for MSME entrepreneurs. They cannot open a physical store because of the stay at home policy and followed by micro PPKM. People’s purchasing power has also decreased, because many have lost their jobs during the pandemic.
If this situation drags on, it will be very dangerous, because the wheels of the economy are slowing down and when it stops, it can plunge Indonesia into a recession. Therefore, the government designed a national economic recovery program to overcome this. So that people will be helped and we will not experience an economic crisis or recession.
The national economic recovery program will be extended again in 2021 due to the fact that the pandemic is still continuing. Although we don’t know when it will be finished, we must be optimistic, so that after the pandemic, the country’s financial situation will improve. All this thanks to the implementation of the national economic recovery program.
In the national economic recovery program, tax incentives will be given, so that the burden on MSME entrepreneurs will be reduced. Because how can they pay taxes when income is low, even close to zero? When there is an incentive, they can focus on improving their business and how to increase sales turnover again.
In addition, several other things will be given to MSME entrepreneurs, such as KUR people’s business credit. Anto Prabowo, Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Management and Logistics at OJK, stated that as of April 2021, loans had increased by 2.8%. OJK will continue to keep the financial services sector stable, by approaching the power holders.
People’s business loans are expected to help MSME entrepreneurs to survive in the midst of a pandemic. With the loan money, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs can sell goods again and open their shops again. So they have the capital to start trading and try hard to make a profit again.
Intensive tax and people’s business credit is expected to encourage new economic potential. Small and medium entrepreneurs will be able to focus on developing their business, so they no longer have to worry about tax matters. The reason is because if they are still burdened with high taxes, they might be in debt just to pay it, because in reality their income is dropping drastically.
Though debt certainly has a bad ending, so it will be confusing behind. The business hasn’t started yet, profits are still in the air, debt collectors are still being chased. How miserable.
In addition, MSME entrepreneurs can be relieved because they get funds from KUR plus they still have the opportunity to get cash assistance specifically for small and medium entrepreneurs. Of course with the condition that you already have a business license number. So that apart from being able to re-open their business, they can also equip it with new devices.
For example, MSME entrepreneurs can buy EDC machines, cashier applications, new gadgets to accommodate more social media applications for promotion, etc. So the business will grow. Because it has support in the form of the latest devices.
New economic potential will be formed thanks to the stimulus from the national economic recovery program. For example, when you already have an online store, you can also open a delivery courier business. Or when you have a salon business, you will be able to sell food at the same time for customers who are queuing there. All run with capital assistance from the government.
The government has made a national economic recovery program to improve people’s welfare. So that MSME entrepreneurs can survive in the midst of a pandemic that does not know when it will end. Stimulus from the government will help them to be more creative in developing their business.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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