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All Parties Play a Role in Realizing Human Rights Friendly Elections


By: Safira Tri Ningsih )*

General elections (Pemilu) will be held in 2024 and must be prepared so that there are no procedural errors. The community supports elections that are friendly to human rights (human rights) because voting for a party and president is the right of all Indonesian citizens over the age of 17. Indonesian people in cities, in villages, normal people and people with disabilities are all given the same opportunity to vote during elections.

Soon the people will welcome the 2024 Election. The Election is thrilling because during the campaign, each party promotes their idol party and presidential candidate (candidate). Elections must be closely monitored, both by the KPU, Bawaslu (the election supervisory body), and by the public, so that they run smoothly without any fraud.

One of the frauds that arose during the General Election was vote inflating. In addition, another fraud is the lack of access for people with disabilities to vote during elections. Even though they are also Indonesian citizens, they must be given the right to vote for parties and presidents during elections. There should not be human rights violations like this because it will hurt the nature of the election.

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) declared a Human Rights Friendly Election on Sunday, 11 June 2023. The declaration was attended by election organizers, especially the KPU and Bawaslu. The declaration was read by Komnas HAM Election Team Chairman Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi. 

Pranomo stated that the contents of the Declaration on Human Rights Friendly Elections include: guaranteeing the fulfillment of the voting rights of vulnerable marginal groups, guaranteeing elections that are inclusive of access to marginalized and vulnerable groups. Then, realizing the 2024 simultaneous elections and local elections that are free of discrimination, non-violence and fair.

Pramono continued, at the time of the declaration there was an agreement to realize the 2024 simultaneous General Elections and Pilkada which were free of hoaxes, slander and hate speech. In a sense, the KPU, Bawaslu, government and all other parties do not only want the 2024 elections to take place peacefully and without hoaxes. But it also has to be human rights friendly so that all Indonesian citizens aged 17 and over get voting rights.

Human rights-friendly elections are realized in several ways. First, by providing easy access for people with disabilities. Do not let them not be escorted to the polling place (TPS) or when they come, there are no officers who guide them to enter the voting booth and choose the party and president they like.

The KPUD commissioner of the Legal and Supervision Division of Temanggung Regency, Adib Masykuri, said that his party was holding socialization for voters with special needs, so that they would not be confused during the election.

Adib continued, in the 2024 election the number of ballot papers to be punched would reach five sheets. Socialization for people with disabilities is carried out so that they know the procedure, don’t let it be confused later without being opened and directly punched.

The majority of persons with disabilities need assistance during voting, even at the voting booth. Because of that, it is felt necessary to also present the parents and assistants. Especially for the disabled who are blind. On average it takes about five minutes, compared to ordinary people who on average take three minutes for the voting process.

However, there is no difference in ballot papers for persons with disabilities and general voters. Except for the ballot papers for presidential candidates and DPD candidates. The ballot papers for the DPD and presidential candidates have braille letters and some sort of sign under the picture for the blind, the other ballot papers don’t, because that’s not possible.

Adib Masykuri also explained that companions, either guardians or other trusted people, can accompany persons with disabilities but are required to fill out form C3 when accompanying them. In addition, all polling stations must be disability-friendly.

With elections that are friendly to people with disabilities, the community is optimistic that this event will be a great success. The reason is, all Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote will vote. There is no golput (white group) or blame for not voting because there is no access for people with disabilities.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA, Ph.D, appreciated the declaration of Human Rights Friendly Elections (HAM) initiated by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) in Jakarta. The initiative to declare Human Rights Friendly Elections is a step forward in creating a quality democratic process in the country through the holding of elections that are clean, honest, fair and free from discrimination. 

Elections are a political mechanism in a democratic country where sovereign people are involved in it. The election process can give birth to a quality democracy if a number of prerequisites are met. Among other things, the existence of autonomous freedom that election participants have in making their choices, the election process is followed by all community groups with equal opportunities to participate, and the independence of election organizers.

The community supports the KPU and Bawaslu who declared human rights-friendly elections. All Indonesian citizens over the age of 17 are required to vote in elections. Including disabled people, marginalized people, etc. Human rights must be upheld during elections and there is justice for all.

)* The author is Daris Pustaka Contributor

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