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Call for “People Power” but Wash Money Abroad


By: Adul Jabbar *

Lately the gusts of the people power movement have blossomed in various media and talk shows on TV, various print media have also placed the topic of people power in various columns. As if there were no other topics that could be discussed besides the movement.

The resource person also often raises a stronghold of 02, which seems to make a narration that if real accounts show Jokowi’s victory, it means that the KPU has committed fraud so that people power seems to need to be implemented to seize power as happened in 1998.

But behind the incessant calls for people power, the bearers of the movement were less aware that there was one key figure, Bachtiar Nasir, who was suspected of committing money laundering (TPPU) and embezzlement of the “Yayasan Keadilan for all” funds of Rp 3.8 M, The person concerned was also the chairman of the GNPF – MUI as well as the driving force of PA 212, with the status set as a suspect since three with the reason “being in Arab Saud” to attend the conference.

Therefore the Police will forcibly summon Bachtiar Nasir and be declared a DPO.

Of course, it would be something strange, if the people power movement is claimed to have a purpose to uphold justice because of the many frauds in the election, but it turns out that within the body of the driving force of people power there are individuals who embezzle the Foundation’s money.

So that justice or fraud will be prosecuted if those who are shouting have cheated by embezzling foundation funds, if the public knows of course the meaning of people power will be reduced, and ironically, the person does not show a gentle attitude to fulfill the police call, but precisely ” Run “abroad.

This certainly reminds us of the former Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) who was involved in a legal case namely blasphemy.

Of course this shows that Bachtiar Nasir lost knights compared to Ahok in the face of the legal process.

The Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo said that his party would carry out a forced pickup if Bachtiar Nasir was still absent from the police call.

This is in accordance with article 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code paragraph 2 which states that if there is no longer present, the investigator has the authority to pick up the person concerned.

So what would be the meaning of people power driven by a defendant who was running away as a “fugitive” for embezzling the Foundation’s money.

It is possible that he will mobilize the masses through a teleconference or skype so that he only pays money overseas, his sympathizers are then asked to warm up in the fasting month to voice demands that are unclear and unconstitutional.

If this is the case, why not all invite their sympathizers to go out of the country and inflame People power there, which certainly will not be captured by police in Saudi Arabia as experienced by Habib Rizieq Shihab.

People power is planned to be held on May 22, 2019, when the KPU announces and determines the winner of the 2019 Election. This was responded to by Political Researcher Raharjo Jati, who predicted that the movement would be something anticlimactic.

This is because the solidarity of the National Land Agency is still in doubt, even the BPN is also impressed with this movement. They said they did not plan to implement people power in responding to the election results.

In addition, the police have also conducted a series of preventive actions by capturing various video perpetrators of hate speech, which would certainly make prospective participants think again.

The quality of the movement can be caused by people power being able to represent all Indonesian people. However, the current people power movement is only used by a handful of people on behalf of the political interests of just a few groups.

The only key to the action was Prabowo Subianto, who was the number 02 presidential candidate who was expected to reduce the noise on the day of the announcement of the presidential election winner.

Hopefully Bachtiar Nasir Insyaf then called for people power through a teleconference, then his followers watched on television each at home while waiting for the time to break the fast peacefully and reward.

*) The author is an observer of social and political problems

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