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How Important is National Reconciliation?


By: Lutfi Safrudin *

Voting day has been passed with various news, this indicates that according to Law number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, it is ordered to determine the national election results no later than 35 days after the voting day.

After the announcement, of course we hope that all the hustle and bustle will subside and the community will return to business as usual. This means that there is no need for political turmoil or instability that can affect the economy and social life.

After the determination of the winner of the election is determined, of course the people need to refrain from provoking unconstitutional matters, we have a great homework to weave united, unified unity that has split and heals wounds caused by differences in political views.

So what can be done to unite all elements of society, which certainly has a variety of views and beliefs. It is none other than National Reconciliation, which is expected to restore friendship relations that have been broken, to return to their original state.

If you look at conditions in Indonesia, political polarization does not only occur at the level of party elites, but has entered the society. This is because the coalition parties to the public do not hesitate to use negative campaigns. Besides that the trend of playing identity politics has also increased.

Consciously or not, the community had previously participated in political activities which had been polarized into two different groups. This can be seen in various social media timelines, where the two groups are hostile to each other.

Social media, which is increasingly accessible, is certainly a place for sympathizers for both camps to bring blasphemy or debate to each other. If this happens, the sympathizers of the opposition will benefit from being able to criticize all policies taken by the government.

The Executive Director of Indo Barometer Muhammad Qodari, said that the efforts of national reconciliation were important as an effort to reconcile unity. He also explained that the polarization that occurred in the community was very vulnerable to division.

Previously PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri and Vice-President number 02 Ma’ruf Amin had committed to national reconciliation on May 22. Before the official announcement from the KPU, they also appealed to all parties to be more restrained.

The Prabowo – Sandiaga camp has also positively welcomed the idea of ​​national reconciliation after the announcement of the recapitulation of the results of the 2019 election. However, this seemed to fade due to an invitation to the people power movement carried out by the BPN.

In the report of The Global Risk Report 2019 by the World Economic Forum, political polarization is estimated to be one of the risks that many countries will face in 2019. Polarization is also the second largest threat that threatens other than climate change.

The report said that at present the difference in values ​​between parties is increasingly sharp and exacerbated by the existence of identity politics. If this risk continues, there will be a significant negative impact for countries in the next 10 years.

However, it must be remembered that reconciliation must be done by not overtaking the law. Reconciliation must be preceded by law enforcement, so that all violations exist, it is appropriate to get sanctions.

Meanwhile, the Muhammadiyah Central Leader is ready to initiate national reconciliation to maintain national unity and harmony. After the 2019 election, the people were asked to reunite as a big family in Indonesia.

The Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Center, Haedar Nashir, said that elections with different political choices have made the harmony of the nation and state plural. Therefore, it needs to be reunited.

“We will encourage national reconciliation,” said Haedar Nashir.

The reconciliation offered, according to him, is that all elements of the nation re-schedule various national problems that are increasingly varied and full of challenges.

Muhammadiyah has a tradition to strengthen friendship. This certainly needs to be done for this nation so that people who have different choices can reunite.

Because unity is the key to the sovereignty of a country, the divisions that occur will certainly only add to the list of problems in a country, so it is important that reconciliation is created to create a peaceful political life without blasphemy.

*) The author is a Political Social Observer

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