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Ensure 2024 Election Ballots Remain Safe, Security Officials Increase Vigilance


By: Anindira Putri Maheswani )*

The Security Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) continue to increase the vigilance of all their personnel to ensure that ballot papers in the upcoming 2024 General Election (Pemilu) remain safe.

This was done by security forces by increasingly tightening checks on all ballot paper folding workers at the General Election Commission (KPU) warehouse. As many as dozens of personnel were immediately dispatched to carry out guarding and supervision, including checking as many as 150 female employees who were carrying out the logistical folding of the 2024 Election ballot papers.

It is known that this inspection activity was also an effort to create a cooling system carried out by security personnel. . The inspection itself is carried out twice, namely in the morning when employees want to enter the folding room, then again in the afternoon when employees have carried out folding activities.

Of course, the inspection by the security forces was not carried out alone, but during the process of intensifying the cooling system, they were also assisted and accompanied by officers from the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).

So far, during the democratic party process and political contestation in the General Election (Pemilu) event, the security forces have continued to show how strong their commitment is to always maintain conditions that remain stable and conducive by increasing vigilance, so that the implementation of the Election itself can run smoothly. without any obstacles.

It was proven that one of the folding officers at the KPU Warehouse, named Agustiya Aan, said that as a ballot paper folding officer, it turned out that this was not the first time the security forces had intensified their inspection. However, in previous elections, similar examinations had also been carried out.

So of course this evidence shows how hard work is done by the security forces in every major national celebration such as the General Election to ensure that the implementation can run smoothly.

Furthermore, one of the vote folding officers also said that there were differences when comparing how this year’s election was held with the previous election period. The reason is, during the current implementation of the democratic party, it turns out that the supervision and inspections carried out by the security forces have become very strict.

This also shows that especially in the 2024 General Election, the security forces have really shown their strong commitment to always creating a conducive situation with the various cooling system efforts they have made.

In contrast to the previous election period, this time, the inspection was even carried out twice, namely when the ballot paper folding workers wanted to enter the folding room and also when the workers wanted to leave the room they would be checked again.

The 2024 Election ballot paper folding workers also showed a very good response. They admitted that they were very happy because the security forces were so concerned and were increasing their vigilance for the smooth running of the democratic party. On the other hand, the workers were also very happy because the ballot paper folding location was now wider and more comfortable compared to before.

They also really hope that all people will be able to become good citizens, including taking part in making the 2024 elections safe, smooth and successful together. Another message was given to the people’s representatives and the president who will be elected in the future so that they can carry out the mandate of the people as best as possible.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Pelalawan Resort Police (Kapolres), Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Suwinto said that the aim of carrying out inspections by his personnel and accompanied by Bawaslu on the Election logistics folding workers themselves was to ensure the security of the ballot logistics ahead of the Election. General 2024.

Not only in Riau, but security efforts are also being carried out in Wamena. In order to ensure security in the entire ballot paper folding process in the 2024 Election, Tolikara Police Chief AKBP Achmad Fauzan even stepped in directly to monitor the folding of ballot papers.

According to him, the process of folding the ballot papers itself is very important and even mandatory for security so that all activities, starting from sorting and folding the ballot papers, can be in accordance with the DPR and can run safely and under control.

The process of sorting and folding ballot papers itself involves many parties such as the community and students, all of whom have previously received technical guidance on the correct folding procedure.

The security forces are strongly committed to continuing to monitor and be able to provide security services in a very humane manner and continue to uphold their neutrality so that the 2024 General Election can run as expected, namely safely and peacefully. Increased vigilance continues to be carried out, including monitoring and ensuring the security of election logistics.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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