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It is important for all parties to commit to making the 2024 elections peaceful


By : Tyas Permata Wiyana )*

It is very important for all parties and every element of society in Indonesia to be able to jointly and strongly commit to each other in their efforts to realize the implementation of the General Elections in 2024 peacefully, with integrity and security.

In order to be able to realize the implementation of democratic parties and political contestation through General Elections (Pemilu) in 2024 that are safe, peaceful and with integrity, it is indeed important to have a strong declaration and commitment, which is also followed by all parties such as the Government, party leaders, election organizers namely the KPU and Bawaslu as well as all other relevant stakeholders to be able to discuss together.

This is because being able to organize a big event in the context of changing or circulating leadership in Indonesia which occurs every 5 (five) years, is also the same as managing people. So to regulate people, of course it is not enough to just go through rules or processes, but it is necessary to have direct meetings and establish communication and friendship.

Starting from the organizers to the contestants in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) onwards, they must work together to create coolness and comfort for each other in all stages or processes in the existing series in order to create conduciveness.

There should be no room for certain people or groups who do not want the General Election process to take place safely and comfortably in the democratic party that will be held in the country. Then every opinion and difference of opinion itself is something that should be addressed naturally, but don’t let the differences be treated excessively. In fact, the existence of differences can be used for mutual benefit.

In an effort to realize peaceful election practices, it is also hoped that all parties will be able to campaign in a healthy manner, so that there should be no parties who campaign but vilify each other, the spread of fake news or hoaxes should also be anticipated optimally, including also the practice of implementing politicization on issues of ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA).

The reason is, if such practices continue to occur, it will certainly seriously threaten the integrity of this country as a whole. On the other hand, by realizing peaceful elections, the quality of the results of the General Election will be in line with the expectations of all people in Indonesia.

One of the efforts to continue to intensify peaceful elections was carried out by the Regional Police (Polda) of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) who invited all parties to commit to each other together in realizing peaceful elections in 2024.

Because with the strong commitment made by all parties, it is not impossible that a General Election event with integrity and security will be realized optimally.

Regarding this declaration, the Head of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Agus Nugroho stated that the declaration was intended to be able to jointly create an atmosphere and also security stability before and after the political contestation.

When creating conducive security and order in society (kamtibmas), the party is very strongly committed to being able to comprehensively secure all 2024 election activities.

It should be noted that the upcoming 2024 General Election will be the largest democratic party and the first in the history of its implementation in the country. Therefore, now several parties have begun to emerge to try to spread polarization which has the potential to cause division and also threaten the diversity and unity of the nation.

Thus, the state itself has made regulations contained in Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, namely in Article 280 paragraph (1) which contains prohibitive provisions for election implementers, participants and campaign teams when they submit campaign materials. by insulting a person, religion, ethnicity, race, class, candidate and/or other election participants.

The existence of differences in political choices is indeed a necessary thing in a democracy, but these differences themselves should not separate or even cause society to become scattered.

To create elections with integrity, there are at least several requirements that must be met, such as competent election participants, intelligent voters, neutral bureaucracy and the election organizers must also be competent and have integrity too.

Therefore, efforts to continue to maintain and maintain unity and unity in society in Indonesia must be complemented by carrying out elections peacefully, with integrity and security, which will not be possible if it is not supported by all parties.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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