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Realizing Safe and Peaceful Elections Without Terror Actions


Jakarta – The general election (Pemilu) is still in 2024 but it must be prepared from now so that later it will run well. The government, KPU and all other parties are committed to the success of peaceful and terror-free elections.

Currently the election is taking place in the reform era and is more tense. Not only because there are many new presidential candidates. But also because there is a potential for attacks from radical and terrorist groups. Don’t let the election be chaotic because of the actions of terrorists or end in bloody events.

Bawaslu chairman Mamuju Rusdin stated that the Bawaslu program always creates peaceful elections. His party held a peaceful declaration against the politicization of SARA, identity politics, hate speech and hoaxes in the 2024 election and worked with a number of stakeholders.

Rusdin continued, the 2024 election is the second simultaneous election. Several notes in the past 2019 election will certainly be corrected so that the 2024 election is more conducive, peaceful and democratic. Bawaslu and other stakeholders must jointly educate the public, especially for political party officials who have a structural basis all the way down to the grassroots level. Then the role of the security apparatus is also very important to realize peaceful and terror-free elections.

Peaceful elections are highly coveted because no Indonesian citizen wants chaos. When elections are prone to friction because there are differences in the choice of political parties and presidential candidates. However, it is hoped that this difference will not be exaggerated, so that the election can be peaceful and terror-free.

But unfortunately ahead of the election, radical and terrorist groups use it to spread hoaxes and propaganda. They deliberately do this to make people lazy to vote so as to increase the level of abstentions. Even though abstentions are dangerous because they show people’s distrust of the government.

Radical and terrorist groups not only plan to attack the real world with bombs, but also disrupt cyberspace with propaganda and hoaxes. The public is asked to be more vigilant and not to believe too much news with bombastic titles. Maybe it’s just a hoax. They must check the truth and not be fooled.

For this reason, literacy intelligence is needed in cyberspace. The reason is because the terror launched by radical groups has begun to shift to social media. Don’t just share photos or news because there is a potential for hoaxes. People have to listen carefully and don’t believe it easily.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency
(BNPT) Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar stated that he wanted the democratic party to be held with full respect for the nation’s cultural values, legal values ​​in force in Indonesia, and of course values ​​that meet the norms that democracy is well implemented.

In a sense, the election is a very important moment for Indonesia to elect a new president and members of the legislature. Do not let the election be disrupted by the actions of radical groups and terrorists. They understand that during the General Election, residents gather to vote for a presidential candidate and there is a potential for crowds to become an easy target for attacks and bombings.

BNPT certainly has anticipated the bad possibilities that will occur before and during the election. Therefore, security is getting tighter, both when presidential candidates or legislative member candidates are campaigning, as well as when the voting begins. Not only security guards and security guards have been deployed, but also security forces to ensure that the community is completely free from the threat of terrorist attacks.

Peaceful elections were also realized by taking preventive measures and Densus 88 actively searching for and arresting members of terrorist groups. This arrest is intended so that they do not disrupt the 2024 Election, because the campaign period is just around the corner. Elections must be successful without any bombings or other attacks from terrorist groups.

Karopenmas Div Public Relations of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan stated that on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 06.00-09.00 WIB an arrest was made of 1 target for a crime of terrorism with the initials AW (39). AW is an ISIS sympathizer who actively posts images and videos of terrorism propaganda on social media.

Arresting terrorist members is a preventive measure before the 2024 elections. Moreover, the campaign period is soon approaching, so security is really being tightened. Don’t let too many terrorists roam around so that it unsettles the citizens and disrupts the campaign and the 2024 elections.

Densus 88 could have made further arrests so that no terrorists would disturb the security of the people and try to thwart the 2024 elections. The public need not worry because the elections are guaranteed to take place safely. Therefore the arrest and investigation of terrorism cases will continue. Polri and Bawaslu are fully committed to realizing terror-free peaceful elections. Elections must be successful, both during the campaign period, during the election for presidential candidates and candidates for members of the DPR, and after the election. Terrorist groups are increasingly being eradicated so that the situation is safe and cannot disrupt the 2024 elections.

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