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Students Support the Ratification of the Papua New Guinea Bill


By: Rebecca Marian)*

Students fully support the ratification of the New Autonomous Region Bill (RUU DOB) Papua to be ratified immediately. The expansion of the Papua region is expected to accelerate progress and development in the land of Cenderawasih.

Papua is a very potential area because it has natural beauty and abundant mining materials. But unfortunately this potential can still be polished again in order to prosper the people. The trick, of course, requires money and the funds are obtained from the APBD. If you want to succeed in development and maximize potential in Papua, the APBD should be increased again, one of which is through the expansion of the Papua province.

Hundreds of Papuan students calling themselves the Papuan Students Conference held a peaceful demonstration in front of the DPR/MPR RI building and the Ministry of Home Affairs, on May 31, 2022. They requested that the new autonomous region bill be ratified immediately, for the sake of accelerating development for all Papuans. In addition, Otsus (special autonomy) volume 2 is also fully supported.

Papuan students also stated that they rejected demonstrations that did not support the passage of the new autonomous region bill. He also appealed to all elements of society to secure Papua for a conducive situation.

Statements and support from Papuan students show that OAP (indigenous Papuans) fully supports government programs, including regional expansion. If the new autonomous region bill is passed into law, then Papua will officially have 5 new provinces, after previously there were only 2 provinces (namely Papua and West Papua).

The three new provinces have not been officially established because they are still in the process of preparation and administration. Later, when the new autonomous region bill is passed, the provinces of Central Papua, Central Highlands Papua, and South Papua will be established. The people there will be even more advanced because the formation of a new province is synonymous with massive development.

If there is a new province, a new DPRD and government office will be built, as well as schools, health centers, and so on. People can go to the puskesmas with a closer distance and get maximum health services. They will be healthier and get other services in the form of immunization, family planning, distribution of vitamin A, and various other health services.

In addition, when there are new government buildings, it is also accompanied by the construction of representative roads. That way, people will enjoy smooth and paved roads, not just trails. Travel will be faster and mobility will be easier.

If the mobility is easy, it will be profitable for traders and farmers because the delivery of finished goods is faster. They can send by box car and pass through the highway smoothly. The business world in Papua will be more vibrant and promote the people.

No wonder students and other elements of society support the inauguration of the new autonomous region bill into law. If there are new provinces then development will be evenly distributed throughout Papua. Not only infrastructure in the form of paved roads, but also other public facilities such as schools and health centers.

The support from Papuan students shows that the people of Bumi Cendrawasih, both those in Papua and those who are wandering, agree with the expansion of the region. They want the inauguration of the new autonomous region bill as soon as possible so that 3 provinces are immediately established so that state services to the people can be more optimal.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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