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The Community’s Active Role in Guarding the 2024 Election Effectively Prevents Radicalism


Radicalism is a real threat in Indonesia, which is a country rich in diversity. Radicalism continues to spread from various sides and even has the effect of destroying the foundations of national unity. Radical groups generally want drastic social and political change through violence. Meanwhile, religion is used as a mode which is then understood in an extreme way.

Ahead of the 2024 election, radicalism continues to be spread by individuals with extreme ideas to expand their influence by recruiting students and young people as cadres. Radicalism in Indonesia is generally motivated by religious understanding so it is easily exploited by various interests because it concerns sensitive matters, namely religious ideology, especially as the political temperature heats up ahead of the 2024 elections.

Facing this condition, understanding peace by involving youth and religious leaders through a moderate attitude becomes very important. Cooperation from all elements of society is very necessary in fighting radical narratives. Religious leaders have great influence in society and can help illustrate the values ​​of tolerance, peace, and peace within the religion. Moreover, it is estimated that this violent group will increasingly intensively spread the virus of radical terrorism to students and youth.

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that radical movements and terrorism have the potential to grow ahead of the 2024 elections. This is a serious warning to all law enforcement officials and society in general. Radical groups continue to take advantage of the heated political tension ahead of the election to spread their ideology and propaganda. Some radical groups may try to take advantage of the election moment to advocate or push their ideology, even in illegal and dangerous ways. Therefore, the role of the government, law enforcement agencies and civil society in guarding against radicalism is very important.

Elections are often marred by the potential for conflict and the spread of incorrect information. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive steps to deal with this situation. Strengthening law enforcement agencies, media monitoring, and anti-disinformation campaigns can be important instruments in maintaining election integrity. Intensive outreach regarding legal sanctions for hoax spreaders and collaborative efforts between the government, media and civil society can reduce the negative impact of disinformation.

Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR-RI, H. Teuku Riefky Harsya, said that radical groups continue to expand their influence using various social media platforms. Social media is like two sides of a coin for people’s lives. On the one hand, social media provides many benefits, such as broadening horizons, increasing creativity and strengthening relationships. On the other hand, social media can also cause harm, such as spreading hoaxes, hate speech and radicalism. As a result, many people have problems with the law according to the ITE Law.

Therefore, his party invites the public to understand the legal regulations governing the use of social media, such as Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE). He also reminded the public to be careful and wise in using social media, and not to be easily provoked by existing negative content. Especially ahead of the 2024 election where political tensions are increasingly heating up and it is very easy for people to be provoked by untrue issues.

The public is advised to be alert to any provocative content or news spread by radical and intolerant groups. Literacy in the digital space needs to continue to be promoted in order to minimize hoaxes, disinformation, hate speech and radicalism.

These digital terror acts were carried out for various purposes, namely economic, ideological and political. Politically, this digital crime is carried out in order to delegitimize certain political groups, delegitimize the constitution and law enforcement officials, as well as delegitimize the government and the results of constitutional democracy.

Radical groups or foreign actors can utilize social media and online platforms to spread hoaxes, fake news, and propaganda designed to create distrust in the foundations of sovereign states and governments. Apart from that, radical groups will try to intimidate groups that reject or oppose their ideology. This intimidation can take the form of acts of violence, threats, or intimidation campaigns.

Head of Public Relations for Central Lombok Police, AKP Hariono, said that security forces were intensively carrying out outreach to the public regarding the threat of radicalism. Radicalism and Terrorism are the real enemies of the Indonesian nation and state. It has many bad and negative impacts. Therefore, it is hoped that society will not fall into the radicalism movement which continues to try to divide harmony between religious communities. He explained that the National Police continues to strengthen the public’s understanding of the dangers of radicalism and terrorism by continuing to try to visit and establish good relations with religious and community leaders to convey anti-radicalism messages.

The rise of social media users today will make it easier to spread radical ideas, so it is hoped that people can sort and select the information they obtain before sharing it or distributing it to the general public. All elements of society, the media and government elements must unite together to prevent and ward off radicalism and terrorism from the Republic of Indonesia.

Efforts to prevent and overcome radicalism are not only the responsibility of the government, but also the collective responsibility of all elements of society. Preventing radicalism will be a momentum for the successful implementation of the 2024 elections.

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