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Welcoming the Inauguration of the PYCH Building, PMI Introduces Useful Applications and Collects Young Papuan Talents


Jayapura — Welcoming the inauguration of the Papua Youth Creative Hub or PYCH Building which will soon be implemented by President Jokowi, the Inspiring Young Papuan organization (PMI) assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) introduced a useful application and gathered young Papuan talents to enliven the event.

There are four applications of their own creation, namely Pacific Park Tour and Travel, Containder (waste bank management), Village Companion Application, and Papuan Talent Management.

In this regard, the Coordinator of the Fourth Applications Made by Papuan Children at PYCH, Nanny Uswanas explained that one of their applications was a solution to tourism problems in Papua.

“We are trying to integrate the tourism ecosystem there. We see that in Papua access to tourism is rather difficult, there are only a few information about famous tourist destinations in Papua,” said Nanny.

Not only that, but there is also a Village Companion application which is useful for the community, youth, religious leaders in regional development.

“Both how to make policy input, as well as program and budget planning,” he said.

There is also an application for the management of young Papuan talent, which is an innovation made by PMI.

“So here all Papuan talents will be gathered, then before they can share what kind of talents they are, they will measure their quality,” said Nanny.

Representing the Papuan youth, Nanny also thanked President Jokowi for his concern for the young generation of Cenderawasih Earth.

“On behalf of the founder and all members of Inspiring Young Papua throughout Papua, I would like to thank Mr. Jokowi very much for providing a platform for talent development in the land of Papua,” he said.

He also thanked BIN for providing guidance and guidance as well as full support so that Papuan youths are able to be creative.

Nanny hopes that the construction of the PYCH Building can be carried out even more massively and more in the Land of Papua.

“The land of Papua is very large and very broad, the children of the younger generation are also the same as in other regions. We hope this will become one of many that will be built in other areas,” he said.

Enthusiasm was also shown by other young people, namely they were ready to enliven the inauguration of the PYCH Building with a choir.

The coordinator of the Papua Youth Creative Hub Choir, Paulina Ruwayari, said her group consisted of church youth and university students.

“They are native Papuan youths. This choir is formed from church youth and students,” said Paulina.

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