By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS, Central Kalimantan – In modern era, there are some numbers of remote village and has status as left behind in many aspects such economic, infrastructure, or other facilities. Do not talking about internet or 4G networks here, some of those villages in central Kalimantan province has no electric yet.
In Kotawaringin Barat regency, there are eight villages that stated as remote village, are Kondang village, Lalang village, Umpang village, Teluk Pulai village, Kerabu village, Sungai Dau village, Sungai Cabang village, and Sungai Sekonyer village. “By 81 villages in Kotawaringin Barat and located in six districts, there are eight remote villages,” said Rustam Efendi, chief of village agency empowerment Kotawaringin Barat.
According to him, the remote village as left behind has assessed based on indicators; road, source income, electricity user, fuel for cooking, WC facility, education facility, health facility and labor, clean and health water, communication facility and market. “Average, remote village located on far from the city and difficult to reach,” said him.
One village has status as very left behind in central Kalimantan and stated by central government is in Murung Raya regency. The village is Tumbang Topus and located in Uut Murung district.
Previous year, this village is decided as one of three villages by ministry of village and village acceleration and transmigration as very left behind village in Central Kalimantan. Today, by its number, there only tumbang topus village as very left behind village, two others village has released the status. It is stated by Chief of regional development planning Central Kalimantan, Herson B Aden. “Previously, there are three villages, all those villages are on Murung Raya regency,” said him as in Borneonews.
Meanwhile, added Herson, there are 300 villages in 2014 as left behind village and today, there are 213 villages left. “This data for 2016,” said him.
The difficult or no road to or leave Tumbang Topus village, cause the village is isolated from others area. The village is located in the corner of Murung Raya regency and border with East Kalimantan Province.
In 2014 ago, visiting this village, it needs 9 hours from capital city of Murung Raya regency, Puruk Cahu leave for camp of wood corporation Agathis Plywood in Tumbang Jojang village. After that, continue the trip through water (river) to upriver Barito River using small boat, usually called as ces or ketinting.
The trip is not easy, moreover is quite dangerous. There are a lot of river rapids that make the passenger is endanger. Moreover in the high water condition, there are some spot river rapids that impossible to pass.
There is no road; it makes people of this village looking for a job in neighbor province. They (people in village) usually walk for a day to arrive in the destination.
Besides that, in the daily need, they also trade (sale and purchase) in neighbor province, East Kalimantan province. They carry the goods by gendong (carried on the back), without any vehicle.
Besides that, the village’s location is far from capital, makes the village has no health labor. Even there is health facility in there, such assist local government clinic. Much health labor is not feels at home, and then they leave the village.
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