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Resolving the E-KTP Corruption Case Quickly

(Electronic Identity Cards)

By: Moch Irfandi)*

The project of electronic identity cards (e-KTP) becomes an endless problem. Corruption case, which makes the country loses up to Rp 2.3 trillion, handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Implementation in the field is also chaotic. Form scarcity causes e-KTP project stalled in some areas. Now comes new problems regarding population data security which turned controlled by foreign companies.

Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo recognize the government’s negligence in maintaining the confidentiality of the demographic data. In a joint meeting of Commission II of the House of Representatives, February 22, he called the e-ID data is prone to distorted because it is still stored on servers in the United States. This recognition is very alarming because it indicates the potential for breaking civil rights.

PT Biomorf Lone Indonesia, which has a holding company in the United States, was appointed as a subcontractor by a consortium of five companies winning bidder. Biomorf be a provider of information systems for recording and e-ID card data input. Biomorf refused to submit demographic data that has been done on the grounds has receivables amounting to Rp 390 billion for the treatment program and input of data since 2014 until now. Biomorf still control the 167 million Indonesian population data. While the consortium could not pay off the debt for losing control of their accounts from the e-KTP corruption cases handled by the KPK.

The government should move quickly to handle this issue. Moreover Biomorf reportedly will soon sell a 51 percent stake. In assets, the company includes the source code (computer program) for the fingerprint data and the source code for the e-KTP Indonesia. That is, there is a chance of data e-ID card would be transferred to the owner of the new shares, even when referring to Government Regulation No. 82 Year 2011 on the Implementation System and Electronic Transactions, source code as it is not an asset that can be transferred to the new owner.

The government must ensure that data can be quickly secured because it involves a very important demographic data and prone to abuse. And it will have to impose sanctions on the winning bidder consortium of five companies, including exploring the possibility of bringing into law.

For the government, the completion of this data security issues adds to the long row of homework in terms of e-ID card project. Therefore, the government should need to continually evaluate and improve the implementation of this project. Do not let trillions of rupiah that had been spent just pointless and merely be additional job by the corruptors.


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