By: Moch. Irfandi )*
The urbanization has been happening in every Ied Mubarak Moment in Indonesia. Indonesian people who live in the village in Indonesia want to go to Jakarta as The Indonesia Capital City to find a better life. That was impacted to the increasement of urbanization level in Indonesia and automatically increase the number of citizen in Jakarta. If the urbanization level to Jakarta increase in every year, how about the long impact that will accept by Jakarta as The Biggest Capital City of Indonesia?
Urbanization is the movement of citizens from the village to the city in a country. It was caused by some factor including economic level of citizen, availability of job, and social life of the citizen. The government will be faced some problem if the urbanization increase the number of citizen in a city, but there is no a good solusion from The government to solve the social problem that caused by urbanization in the citizen of the city.
The negative impacts that caused from the urbanization are the increasement of competition level in the city because too many people inside the city, then the increasement of poor man level if the urbanization people do not bring any skill and experience, and the descreasement of availability of job level in the city. That were automatically become the trigger to create social gap and potentially create a violance action in Jakarta City.
Meanwhile, The government and the citizen of Indonesia must have to find the solution to solve the negative impacts of urbanization in Indonesia. There are some advice that can be the solution for the government and the citizen of Indonesia to broke this problem including an action to increase knowledge level of citizen, to make a good accessibility, and to develop potential of the village.
The first is an action to increase knowledge level of citizen by implementing the spesific school in every village in Indonesia. It was important to generate the better generation especially in the quality of Human Resource.
The second is an action to make a good accessibility that will support the easy way of economic activity because many village in Indonesia have a bad accessibility especially in infrastructure.
The third is an action to develop the potential resource of the village. This way is effectively to push the number of urbanization in Indonesia. If the village have the potential resource and the citizen can develop that, it will make an availability of job for many people. Furthermore, this situation will drop off the urbanization level to the city.
Unfortunatly, if all of this action doesn’t act by the cooperation of the government and the citizen of Indonesia, all of that means nothing. Not only the government of Indonesia, but also the citizen have this responsibility and must be a part of the development movement of Indonesia to be better country in this world.
)* Indonesian Political and Economy Observers