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Important Role of Society Increase Vigilance prevent Year End Terror


By: Vania Salsabila Primary )*

Important role from whole Indonesian people indeed same very no can considered adjacent eyes , everyone must can each other work together in framework Upgrade vigilance for can prevent exists threat action terrorism and radicalism approaching end year 2022.

resilience national of course must keep going strengthened , of which it consists from a number of aspect , ie ideology political , economic , social culture , to defense and security . Whole aspect the same very no can released one same other , because everything have linkages one each other, mainly is concerns regarding tolerance for can prevent action radicalism and terrorism .

Related matter said , the Head of the National Agency for Mitigation Terrorism (BNPT), Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar confirmed that his side keep going make an effort for can keep going strengthen resilience national . No without reason , article whole effort the of course same very no free from exists threat , obstacle until glitches and is anti – crime state constitution and Pancasila.

Crime form follow radicalism and terrorism of course so far this keep going justify all method for capable reach aim them , including usage _ violence will they do to achieve anti – human purposes . _

Therefore , preparedness _ national to be one of the best strategies for keep going capable do prevention action terrorism with encourage and support all groups and organizations Public for participate as well as until role active in prevention follow criminal terrorism . Komjen Boy stated that Public alone have a number of factor urgent for keep going involved in effort prevention this .

Factor first importance role Public in prevent follow terrorism , in particular approaching end the year 2022 is exists the cultural and cultural context that exists in society , which it is in fact same very no something is in line with ideology radical terrorism or extremism violence other . So that expected to all Public for can in a manner volunteer help Policy government in matter counter terrorism .

Then matter second is , because of course threat appearance understand radicals and terrorism this is very relevant with Public itself , which is quite possible Public be a victim that even affected in a manner directly , so it is very important exists empowerment Public in a manner maximum . it _ because Public alone in a manner rationally aware _ that they capable become a victim of will exists follow criminal terrorism if same very no follow involved in prevention terrorism .

Next , factor third is look that Public is a true community _ formed in a manner aware and own relation or linkages one each other, with how strong relation it really helps for keep going promote how Policy counter terrorism in a community government – supported society _ so that effort prevention redicalism and terrorism approaching end year will occur in a manner far optimized and maximized .

With firmly , Komjen Boy stated that factors the will make empowerment Public Becomes a very precise program and also has big impact _ in create resilience so that can push creation a ready society _ standby for face understand radical terrorism nor follow criminal terrorism .

More further , is also very important exists activity declaration preparedness national because could Upgrade vigilance in anticipate follow criminal terrorism through system detection early from threat such , which is based community . Because no can denied that the Indonesian people themselves have identity teak already self _ Becomes a legacy of relics from the founders nation before and be a system same value _ very no doubt again .

Temporary that , party The police also continue make an effort for do security in framework end year with there is a Candle Ops Lodaya 2022. AKBP M. Lukman Syarif convey that effort security the has involve many retreat such as the TNI, Regional Government and Kamtibmas Partners other . As information , Operations 2022 candle itself will implemented for 11 days start December 23 , 2022 to January 2 , 2023 with keep going put forward activity preemptive and preventive in a manner humanist , too enforcement strict and professional law _ so that Public capable celebrate Christmas and Years New with feeling safe and comfortable . _

He also added that safeguards carried out this no as a routine agenda , however his side will keep going Upgrade vigilance to every dynamics development society . Because it is based on the vulnerability mapping that has been done , there a number of prediction disturbance security and order society should _ keep going anticipated , especially is threat terrorism and radicalism .

For can keep going prevent exists potency follow terrorism and radicalism approaching end 2022 to 2023 , indeed already duly all party always Upgrade vigilance them , mainly is all community that has very important role because strong relationship , and also a threat terrorism alone capable threaten safety and security Public in a manner direct .

)* Writer is Nusantara Reading Room contributors

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