CIDISS. 新华社雅加达11月24日电(记者梁辉)中国对外文化集团公司下属的中演院线与印度尼西亚吉普拉艺术中心24日在印尼首都雅加达签署“丝绸之路国际剧院联盟”战略合作协议,吉普拉艺术中心正式成为该联盟的第59个海外成员。…
The Beginning Of 2018 Electoral Election
CIDISS. Ahead of the political year, there are already many institutions conducting studies on the progress of the government program. The 2018 election stages are already officially…
Deterred Radicalism with Nationalism
CIDISS. Radicalism is still shadowing the life of society in Indonesia. It gives a negative influence on society about the meaning of harmony, tolerance, and togetherness. Therefore, the…
CIDISS. 随着人们意识到塑料对环境的负面影响越来越大,公众对相关可替代的相关产品的兴趣也越来越浓厚。总部位于印尼的社会责任企业 evoware 似乎找到了一个不错的答案,就是凭借可食用和可生物降解的产品来避免环境污染。
Jakarta - CIDISS. 路透雅加达12月5日 - 印尼周二称,计划收购力拓 所持Grasberg铜矿的股权。该铜矿由美国自由港麦克默伦铜金矿公司运营,此举或许能解决三方之间久拖不决的问题。
Bogor-CIDISS. 人民网雅加达11月26日电(记者席来旺)26日上午,“中国-印尼大熊猫保护合作研究启动仪式”在风景秀丽的印尼茂物野生动物园大熊猫馆举行,中国林业部、文化部、驻印尼使馆代表、印尼人类发展与文化统筹部、印尼国家环保与林业部等部门高官以及中印尼媒体出席了今天的活动。…
Will 2018 Election Successful?
CIDISS. Indonesia is preparing to face the election simultaneously for the third time in 2018. The parties are also preparing to win the competition in the 2018 regional head election. This…
World’s Praise for Jokowi in Economics
CIDISS. Since inaugurated on October 20, 2014, various efforts have been made by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to maintain the growth of the Indonesian economy amid the sluggish global…
Achievement Of Jokowi – JK
CIDISS. Under the leadership of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla who have entered three years, the government has succeeded in several fields. There are 4 main aspects that can demonstrate the…
Diversity as a Social Capital of the Nation
CIDISS. Lately discourse on diversity has become an interesting study to discuss. The reason, even though we have agreed to become a nation that Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, but there are still…