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5M for Indonesia Against Hoax News


By: Nurlaela

Current technological developments are increasingly sophisticated and rapid. This development is not without cause but because of the increasingly diverse human needs. It is as if fishing technology to experience renewal toward more sophisticated. Increasingly sophisticated technology is expected to meet every human need one of which in terms of information.

Society in all circles is currently incessant incessantly using the internet and social media. The internet and social media really help the community in carrying out its activities. However, not a few people who abuse it. Be aware that a lot of hoax news is spread every day, especially from online sites. Hoax news is news that can be said to be false (lies) and the truth has not been verified so that if the news is widely spread it will become slanderous and detrimental to certain parties.

Indonesia has entered a new leadership and government era after the holding of general elections in April 2019. As we know, a lot of hoax news is widespread at the time of pre-election and its post-election peak which causes political tension to increase. This certainly invites the pros and cons so as to invite disunity in the Republic of Indonesia.

A big challenge for Jokowi in facing the impact of increasingly sophisticated technological developments. During his second term of leadership with Ma’ruf Amin in the next five years, Jokowi had to get ready against the hoax news that was spreading. Legislation regarding the spread of hoaxes is regulated in Act Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE).

Actually, the regulations in Indonesia regarding hoax news are clear. It’s just that there are still many people out there who don’t know yet. Therefore, the government must make more effort to disseminate information about the regulation. The government certainly needs community participation in its efforts to socialize the regulations concerning Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE). People who know the rules can help other people to find out. For example by means of chain messages. This is so that the public knows that the spread of hoax news is a crime and the culprit will be punished.

We as a smart millennial society must be able to fight hoax news for the success of development and national leadership with the spirit of independence and unity that we have only with 5M, namely Reading Completely, Identifying News Content, Ensuring Sources in the News, Ensuring News Sites, and Reporting to the Communication and Information Technology or the police.

Conscious or not actually not only people who deliberately seek information but news that is looking for the reader community. News often appears on the notification homepage when we are online. At a glance, we read the headline and if the title is interesting, sometimes we immediately spread the news without thinking. As intelligent people, we cannot do that. We must read thoroughly the news.

 Identify things that are considered suspicious or absurd from the news. News hoaxes usually seem to convict and are not supported by clear facts. Also make sure the source listed in the news, especially if on behalf of certain organizations or parties. The most important thing is we have to confirm the news site, whether it’s from an official site or not. To determine whether the news is a hoax or not, we can open official sites that we know about the news. Thus, we can find out whether the news is a hoax or not. If the news is known, the hoax will immediately report to the Ministry of Communication and Information or the local police for immediate action.

  • The writer is a student at the University of Singapore, Karawang majoring in Indonesian Language and Literature Education.

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