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Beware of Activities at Risk of Spreading Covid-19


By: Farouk Arfiansyah)*

Corona transmission is on the rise and we must be more vigilant so as not to become victims. To avoid this, you must reduce risky activities such as being involved in a crowd.

The pandemic is not over yet and people are getting tired, both physically and mentally. But we can’t just give up. In fact, if you want this terrible condition to end quickly, you must be stricter in implementing health protocols, especially avoiding crowds and maintaining distance. The reason is, Corona can be easily transmitted when there is a crowd, especially if everyone takes off their masks.

Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Lestari Moerdijat reminded the public to always be aware of risky activities that could transmit Corona, such as gatherings in various public spaces. This has become a human halfway point so that if there are meetings everywhere without health protocols, there will be a higher risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.

When the level of PPKM Activity Restrictions was lowered, there was indeed an easing in various sectors. There may be meetings attended by more than ten people, but must comply with health protocols. It’s a shame that there are still those who violate, for example, forgetting not to keep their distance by making a tight arrangement of chairs, or when they see a friend coming, they immediately shake hands and interact by taking off their masks.

Even though from that incident there were three Prokes violations at once, namely not wearing a mask in the correct position and not keeping a distance, and not avoiding crowds. If only one person has the status of an Asymptomatic Person (OTG), the activity will have a high risk of becoming a vehicle for the transmission of Covid-19.

Imagine if this happened not only in one building but also in many other places. It would be terrible because there is Omicron spreading everywhere. Sure enough, in just a month the number of Covid patients rose dramatically, from previously below 10,000 people to above 30,000 people per day.

Lestari Moerdijat continued, to avoid Corona, we must remain disciplined in the health protocol (Prokes). In a sense, even though the pandemic has been running for a long time, there are those who lack discipline in wearing masks or violating other Prokes. This is very sad because it can be easily infected with Corona, especially if that person has not received a vaccine injection.

Do not loosen the Prokes at all because if there is only one violation, it will bring many victims. Imagine if those who contracted Corona were the backbone of the family. He is in danger of losing his job if he does not get sick leave from his office, or if he is a trader then he will not get an income if he does not sell.

Therefore, don’t be angry if there is an event that violates the Prokes, such as a dangdut orchestra performance or a wedding party that invites up to hundreds of people, will be dismissed by the Covid task force team and security forces. They are not wrong for carrying out their duties, in enforcing the discipline of Prokes. In fact, if it is not disbanded, it will be dangerous because the transmission of Corona is getting crazier.

In addition to Prokes discipline, we are also obliged to vaccinate up to 3 times. Why should there be a booster alias third injection? The goal is to further enhance the immune system in the body. Wait for the booster 6 months after the second injection and check the Peduli Protect application.

The public must be aware of risky activities in the transmission of Corona, such as mass crowds that are carried out intentionally. The crowd is very vulnerable because the droplets carrying the Covid-19 virus are scattered. Keep wearing masks and follow other points in the health protocol.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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