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Efforts to Maintain Unity and Reduce Political Polarization Post-Election


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

The series of events in the region became a benchmark for warming political tension during the 2019 elections, both before voting until after the voting, the media recorded an event in Purworejo, Central Java, where there was a beating on April 2, 2019. – monthly mass suspected of being a mass of supporters of Prabowo – Sandi.

Political Observer, Ujang Komarudin revealed his analysis, that the polarization in the 2019 Presidential Election, had been split since the 2014 Presidential Election event. The reason was this time the Presidential Election was a Rematch between Jokowi and Prabowo.

Polarization occurs because of the political elites involved in composing the mass of supporters. In fact, not infrequently when campaigning they attack with various issues.

“Building awareness at the elite and community level. That the presidential election was not for hostility. “The presidential election is a five-year democratic ritual and must be held pleasantly,” Ujang said.

In line with the statement, Darsono as a Sociologist from Universitas Brawijaya said the importance of the cool and cool statement by the two elite camps.

The attitude of the political elite must be an example for their supporters and society. The presidential election event must be an opportunity for political education to the public. “Reduce the noisy negative, multiply the positive. “It is difficult that it might be a challenge, for the sake of all,” said Darsono.

The polarization that has been seen must be muted so that it does not taper. Darsono also reminded that the celebration of the five-year Presidential Election should not be a destructive moment for democracy.

Elite as a prospective leader, should be careful in sorting out attitudes and sayings. “How to treat persatan is important. Panas, but these elites must wisely convey their political attitudes, “said Darsono who is also a Professor of UB.

So what underlies polarization appears to have an impact on the wider community, Hendri Satrio, a Political Communication Expert at the University of Paramadina, said that polarization arose because only two potential leaders competed to seize the seat of the throne 1.

Although the two competed to get the most votes from the Indonesian people, it was necessary to show that the two candidates were embracing each other to give an example to the support elite and the community.

For him, this is important, given the culture of the Indonesian people who are still following the leader. Therefore, prospective leaders must provide exemplary, how they compete in a healthy manner without dividing unity.

The community, especially social media users, is certainly no stranger to the terms “cebong” and “kampret” which are the ugly faces of Indonesian political polarization which have so far reached the grassroots domain.

Warganet and the community have split into two camps which until now still continue even though the KPU has officially announced the winner of the presidential election on May 21, 2019.

Of course it is unfortunate if the campaign that took place at that time actually became an unhealthy campaign so that its supporters lightly launched slander.

Even if you look at it in terms of political education, politics is for glory in terms of creating prosperity, security, order and feasibility in the state.

Differences should actually be accepted as a necessity, but the problem is that everyone will always have a good way of evaluating that is not the same as other people, including with friends or with fathers and mothers and other family members,

Of course it is not wise, if elections are held a day can damage the order of life that has been fostered for years.

Post-election social friction is indeed a matter of its own that can injure the unity and unity of the nation, so that efforts are needed and also the spirit of safeguarding the values ​​of mutual unity and unity as a nation and state.

Currently maintaining unity is a struggle in itself, various attempts at provocation are still widely passed in various media, the religious ustaz still deliver lectures that seem provocative.

Of course, the concrete step to maintaining unity is to start from ourselves, not easily provoked by something that only pursues sensations without evidence. In addition, refraining from spreading hoaxes is also a concrete matter to be able to reduce the spread of hoax news that could threaten the sense of unity in Indonesia.

)* The author is a sociopolitical observer

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