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Escorting Indonesian Unity With Opposing Hoaxes and Counteracting Negative Propaganda for Advanced Indonesia


By: Siska Prilia (Blogger-Law Student, UPN Veteran Jakarta)

Looking carefully at the series of stages of the 2019 simultaneous elections starting from the beginning to the peak at the dispute hearing on the results of the 2019 presidential election, it seems not excessive if we offer a crucial question: is democracy in this country in danger and threatened to die?

A question that might never cross the heads of most of the people of this nation. Minister of Religion, how is the future of Indonesian democracy, if the practice played by democracy activists actually undermines the pillars of democracy. While convincing the public that the current situation is not as bad as that in other democracies in the world, recorded in history as having died, killed by democracy activists.

Killing democracy in democratic ways, that phenomenon seems to be starting to emerge in the celebration of the 2019 simultaneous election.

Democracy is a system that is not suddenly present, but must be continuously fought for. Especially in a country that has a very high level of ethnic diversity, the enthusiasm for realizing the practice of democratic life will meet a cruel challenge.

To answer the question above, it is necessary to momentarily retreat from the hustle and bustle of the conflict of our political elites on various social media which have been observed to show no signs of ending, even though all political processes have ended in the pulpit of the Constitutional Court. This condition, if we look at it from the beginning, there is indeed a group of groups who are using the great momentum of the nation to continue to fight with narrative narratives packed with SARA wrapping. The group also at the same time explained their understanding. The test clearly changes our state’s system of order with the system they want.

The act of withdrawing from the vortex aims to expand our horizons by gaining wisdom from other democratic countries in all parts of the world and throughout the history of its struggle. Learning from a democratic country recorded in history has experienced a crisis, then makes us better understand the danger signs facing our democracy.

Democratic countries on the European continent and Latin America are the right targets. Call it Venezuela, Peru, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, how in some countries democratic activists deliberately hijacked democratic institutions which then had a negative impact on the life of democracy.

The turbulent events of a democratic state that have led to the demise of democracy in some of these countries should be understood as a wound in the history of the democracies of Europe and Latin America not to be imprinted on democracy in Indonesia.

Installing Precautions

Precautions need to be put in place especially if there are indications that some democratic actors appear to maintain a democratic appearance but on the other hand try to eliminate the substance. The erosion of democracy is now hardly realized by the people of this nation through unconstitutional means.

Therefore, this awareness should be awakened and then put up the awareness that there have been attempts to kill Indonesian democracy lately. Those who have an agenda to destroy the nation and its country base use various momentum and cunning tactics and packaging that seems democratic.

The ability to identify “killers” of democracy is an important qualification. Because, the “killers” of democracy are wandering, multiplying strength, and compounding in the arena of democracy itself. In fact, this democracy killer can come from a figure that is considered public and is highly coveted.

Looking at some of the phenomena of political events throughout the year, there are some things we can suspect and be aware of as factors that have the potential to slowly kill democracy in this country. The democracy players in this country must have a commitment to realize the life of a democratic nation and state, not to weaken the architecture of democracy.

If you learn from countries in Europe and Latin America there are several identifications that are alleged to be harmful to our democracy.

From that reality, many people of this nation feel fearful of what happened during the democratic process this year. However, protecting democracy is not with fear and anger, but with moral and political courage. We must learn from other countries to see warning signs towards the death of democracy. As the next generation that grows in democracy, it is obligatory to prevent the death of democracy from within.

Now the phase of Democracy through Election is over and it’s time for the Indonesian Nation to build the country. All parties must reunite in harmony and brotherhood because we are all countrymen and people of water.

All kinds of provocations should disappear from the real world and cyberspace, now is the time for us to roll up our clothes, throw away all differences, hostility and everything that can trigger division.
After the presidential election was over, the community must return to being part of a nation that held hands, embraced each other, united the forces to build Indonesia.

We must look at the future, return to work in accordance with scientific discipline and expertise. Let us walk together, work together to build the country together with the President and Vice-President who were elected to realize Advanced Indonesia.

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