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Gotong Royong Maintains Positive Trends in Controlling Covid-19


By: Raditya Rahman)*

Covid-19 cases continue to decline, especially after the long Eid al-Fitr holiday. Nevertheless, all components of society are asked to continue to work together in maintaining the positive trend of Covid-19 by always obeying the Prokes so that the transition from pandemic to endemic can be realized immediately.

Indonesia continues to experience a decline in positive cases of Covid-19 which is marked by a sloping curve. This is a clear proof of the hard work of the entire community who has also contributed to the success of Government programs, from obeying health protocols to vaccinating so that pandemic control can succeed as it is today.

It is hoped that the decline in the Covid-19 transmission curve will not necessarily make people careless and assume that the pandemic has disappeared or just disappeared. Therefore, the Government Spokesperson for Handling Covid-19, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito stated firmly to the entire community that this good trend must continue to be maintained.

If all communities can continue to work together to maintain stability in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, then it is not impossible that all social activities and the domestic economy will slowly continue to rise and become productive again as before.

Indonesia’s success in controlling the pandemic by suppressing the transmission rate to the point it is today, Prof Wiku even said is very worthy of being followed by other countries. The reason is that there are still several countries that continue to struggle and are still implementing a lockdown in their area due to the high rate of transmission of Covid-19.

Concrete evidence of the successful handling of the pandemic in the country has even been tested when many people carry out homecoming and Eid holidays. In fact, it turns out that there is absolutely no significant increase in the transmission of Covid-19, in fact the number of transmissions is getting sloping. Of course, when compared to the holiday or holiday period in at least the last 2 years, this is very inversely proportional because at that time the Covid-19 transmission rate in the community increased significantly.

If, for example, all countries can control the pandemic as well as they have in Indonesia, then the World Health Organization (WHO) will revoke the pandemic status from Covid-19 so that slowly, of course, all activities can return to normal. However, in fact, the existence of a pandemic or even the virus itself is still there, so it is possible that there is still a potential risk of transmission.

In addition, Prof Wiku added that the potential risk of human infection against Covid-19 still exists because there are other possible factors such as the presence of new virus variants so that human immunity or immunity will be tested again. Therefore, an important message was conveyed by him that the community still had to be introspective to maintain the risk of infection.

There are at least three main keys that can be used as benchmarks for the community to be able to maintain the sloping curve of the Covid-19 transmission. The first point lies in the habit of continuing to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle. So don’t let this clean and healthy life only exist during a pandemic, but it should be the main lifestyle of the community.

Furthermore, the community itself must also have self-awareness to carry out testing if they have a history of being at risk, namely having visited crowds or traveling long distances, including if they feel they have Covid-19 symptoms. Then the last point is on the public’s self-awareness to immediately self-isolate if it has been confirmed positive, or can go directly to the nearest health service facility.

The public’s concern for participating in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic is the main capital for the success of controlling Covid-19. With the awareness to always obey Prokes and follow the Government’s advice, it is hoped that Covid-19 cases can be suppressed in order to accelerate economic recovery.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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