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KH Manarul Hidayat: Muslims in Indonesia Should Not Be Provoked by Unconstitutional Action


By: Udin Syaifudin) *

The development of the 21st century can be marked by an ideological war – an increasingly hard ideology. Politics The identities of certain groups that instrumentalize Islam are characterized by non-Islamic actions. Where they spread false news, utterances of hatred and slander.

So that this is very contrary to the purpose of da’wah which should build ukhuwah Islamiyah, strengthen friendship, and avoid slander.

The 2019 elections that had taken place were very thick with polarized political colors, so certain groups emerged who echoed various ways for the benefit of their own groups.

Responding to this, the Habaibs and Muslim Scholars held a Multaqo Ulama event which produced 8 recommendations aimed at the benefit of the nation. One of them invited Muslims not to be provoked by unconstitutional action.

PBNU Syuriah Rais KH Manarul Hidayat invited all Muslims in Indonesia not to be provoked in carrying out unconstitutional actions, both directly and indirectly. Such unconstitutional actions contradict Islamic teachings and can lead to acts of rebellion.

The Multaqo event was initiated by KH Maimun Zubair (Mbah Moen) and Habib Lutfhfi bin Yahya which was attended by 1500 participants consisting of elderly scholars, various mass organizations, habaib and Muslim scholars.

The following are 8 recommendations from Multaqo Ulama, Habaib and Muslim Scholars who invited Muslims in Indonesia:

  1. We reaffirmed the agreement of the national pendri in which there were prominent scholars that for state buildings that were in line with the teachings of Islam that rahmatan lil ‘alamin in Indonesia were NKRI, the Constitution in line with Islamic teachings, in Pancasila this connection was loyal to the NKRI and Pancasila which actually corresponds to the teachings of Islam.
  2. We invite all Muslims to welcome the coming of the holy month of Ramadhan in 2019, so that together we establish friendship, avoid slander and division, and forgive one another through reconciliation.
  3. We urge Muslims to jointly realize religious stability, peace and a conducive situation by prioritizing the equality of human beings who are mutually related to one another rather than highlighting the different counterproductive characteristics so that we during and after Ramadan are able to carry out worship with better quality and blessed by Allah SWT.
  4. We invite all Muslims in Indonesia to avoid and counteract acts of provocation and violence from irresponsible parties.
  5. We invite all Muslims in Indonesia to always comply with the rules and regulations that apply at the Republic of Indonesia as a constructive and respectful relationship with the legitimate government. This is very clearly taught by the Islamic tradition.
  6. We invite all Muslims in Indonesia not to be provoked in carrying out unconstitutional actions either directly or indirectly. Because these actions are contrary to Islamic teachings and can lead to bughat (rebellion).
  7. We invite all Muslims in Indonesia to compete in the goodness of fastabiqul khoirot, in order to improve the economy of the ummah in order to participate in the transportation of the world community through the digital, big data and victorious era.
  8. We announce all Muslims in Indonesia that Multaqo activities will be carried out continuously in order to guard the implementation of the agreement made today. Multaqo will be held in the second semester of this year 2019. In this connection invites all Muslims in Indonesia to conduct Multaqo socialization through various forum activities.

The eight recommendations of the Multaqo results were signed by several Ulama including Mbah Moen, KH Said Aqil Siroj, TGH Turmudi Badarudin, KH Muhammad Iskandar, KH Ahmad Muwafiq, KH Abuya Dimyati, Habib Salim Jindan and a number of Kiai and habaib who attended the event.

This shows that unconstitutional actions are useless, because differences in democracy are certainly natural, so that the differences that have emerged during the election are a family distance between fellow Muslims, especially Muslims in Indonesia.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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