By: Dodik Prasetyo )*
The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still 3%. This percentage is very minimal, because we need more business people to move the wheels of the country's…
By: Sinta Astari )*
In the Job Creation Law, there is an agrarian cluster created so that farmers are able to compete in the global market and advance their lives. Indonesia is a nation…
By: Zakaria )*
A businessman can find it difficult because he has to arrange a SIUP with many requirements and a long waiting period. To solve this problem, the government inaugurated…
By: Aldia Putra )*
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only weakened the public health sector, but also triggered a crisis in the economic sector. The public also hopes that the ratification…
By: Rudianto )*
The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law is a breakthrough to overcome all overlapping regulations. Apart from being able to increase investment in Indonesia, this policy…
By: Alfisyah Dianasari )*
The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law is a breakthrough by the Government in facilitating business licensing in Indonesia. With this regulation, it is…
By: Muhammad Ridwan )*
The Job Creation Law is a law that continues to receive demonstrations from students and workers. Those who rallied emotionally and forgot that it was still a…
By: Rivaldy Andrian )*
The workers do not have to make a fuss and then strike and demonstrate. Because in reality, the Job Creation Law benefits them. Even though there are rules that…
By: Edi Jatmiko )*
Demonstrations against the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law have been heating up in several regions, even resulting in acts of anarchy. The demonstrators even dared…
By: Farish Ahadi )*
The Job Creation Law is a breakthrough for the Government in cutting regulations that are currently overlapping. Apart from providing the welfare of workers, the…