Ajeng Mufadillah
Radicalism, especially in the name of religion, is very
worrying and slices the heart.
his remarks at the National Santri Day Ceremony at the National Monument…
By: Dewi Widyastuti) * The terror of the burning of cars and motorbikes had made a scene in the city of Semarang, Kendal and surrounding areas at the end of January 2019. The perpetrators…
by: Ahmad Sidrajat, FISIP Student at Andalas University
Rocky Gerung once again returned to viral in the mass media. After a break a few weeks ago, he again appeared on the ILC TV One…
By: Muhammad Iskandar Z. * During the administration of President Jokowi, it could be said that the calm period of the people of Central Sulawesi, especially Poso, had been haunted by…
By: Ahmad Haris*
The decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the disbanded of HTI by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is legal and in accordance with…
Evacuation of survivors in Yigi District, Nduga Regency, Papua was successfully carried out by a joint TNI-Polri Forces, on December 5, 2018. The joint forces managed to find as many as 15…
CIDISS. Radicalism that leads to terrorism is actually not a new problem. But it has happened at the beginning of the development of world religions. This group is wrong and wrong in…
By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*
Why Indonesia is often the target of terrorism. Why the perpetrators are actually Indonesian citizens, who are often identified in relation to particular groups?…
By: Sandy Arifin )*
It can’t be denied that terrorism has many interesting aspects to be discussed. One of them is about the relationship between poverty and terrorism. Some people assume…
By: Mohammad Irfandi )*
Every country needs the Countermeasures Enhancement of Terrorism to avoid and solve the terrorism problem that has been happening in their country. The Coordinator…