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Fighting Against Papuan Separatist Groups


Evacuation of survivors in Yigi District, Nduga Regency, Papua was successfully carried out by a joint TNI-Polri Forces, on December 5, 2018. The joint forces managed to find as many as 15 people. The body was a victim of the atrocities of armed separatist criminal group (KKSB) in Papua.

The actions carried out were fairly sadistic. From the testimony of the survivors, actually, Istaka Karya employees decided not to work on December 1, 2018. This was stated in Kapendam XVII / Cenderawasih Infantry Colonel Muhammad Aidi.

The employees decided to take a holiday because they already knew about the ceremony to be carried out by the KKSB.

As for known, December 1 is West Papua’s independence day claimed by Papuan separatists. The event was accompanied by an agenda of burning stones together with the local community. At that time, there was a worker from PT Istaka Karya who took pictures of the series of events. Then, KKSB came to the base camp.

Aidi said that the KKSB came at 3:00 p.m. Firearms and sharp weapons were carried by a group led by Eiganus Kogoya. Dozens of group members forced 25 PT workers. Istaka Karya to leave the base camp. Then, all workers were led to Karunggame River in the condition of their hands tied. As of December 2, 2018, workers have not been released. Until 7:00 CET, workers were taken to the summit of Kabo Hill.

On the way to Evidence Kabo, dozens of workers were asked to walk squatting. Until finally, the KKSB began shooting at them one by one. But some people just pretend to be lying on the ground. Meanwhile, others were immediately killed on the spot.

The total number of workers who pretended to die was 11 people. However, five of them were caught when they fled. Execution using sharp weapons is inevitable.

While the rest managed to save themselves in the same direction, namely to the Mbua District. Two people are known not to be found. While the other four people have survived.

Four survivors were taken to the 755 / Yalet Infantry Battalion Post by a joint TNI-Polri. Then, the victims were flown to Wamena. TNI soldiers at the post chose to withdraw following the evacuation of the victims.

The Yonif 755 / Yalet post is considered to be no longer safe, because it was attacked by the KKSB. The number of joint officers is also not commensurate with the KKSB that came. From the KKSB attack, a TNI member named Serda Handoko died, while another member, Pratu Sugeng was shot in the arm. And finally the body was taken to Kenyam District, the capital of Nduga Regency. Likewise the victim was shot, so that he was given medical treatment

From the results of an autopsy on the body of Serda Handoko, the AD medical team found a gunshot wound to the back.

While on December 5, a joint TNI-Polri force moved back to Yigi District to visit the execution location of PT Istaka Karya’s workers. In the sweeping, found 15 bodies that died in the peak area of ​​Kabo. Troops also found a survivor named Jhony Arung.

Previously, on December 3, 2018, the name Jhony Arung was reported by pastor Wihelmus Kogoya as one of the missing people. However, until December 6, the identity of 15 victims has not been confirmed. Only seven bodies have been identified. They are Agustinus T, Jepry Simaremare, Alpianus, Carly atrino, Muh, Agus, Yousafat, and Fais Syahputra. All are employees of PT Istaka Karya.

However, officers have not been able to ensure that all victims are employees of PT Istaka Karya or not. Because, the corporate secretary of PT Istaka Karya Kristanto was not yet willing to provide a list of names of workers. This will be disclosed in an official release after the exact number and identity are known.

The Corporate Secretary of PT Istaka Karya also stated that this was done to safeguard the feelings of the families of the victims. Because the evacuation of the body was carried out on the same day (6/12).

Based on physical observation, there were various gunshot wounds to the body of the body. Some are shot in the head or chest. Everything was shot at the deadly part.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian stated that the results of the investigation showed that the main motive of the KKSB action was to show the existence of the group. It’s just that, this time it’s more extreme and different from the previous celebration which only raised the flag.

Then the question arises, why are not the targeted officers attacking the workers. The answer was expressed by Tito, “Those who were attacked were usually officers. If the apparatus is difficult, yes look for weaker targets. ”

While the origin of weapons, Tito mentioned several sources. Among them were booty from members of the TNI or Polri, smuggled weapons from the Papua New Guinea border, and the rest of the Ambon conflict. The TNI-Polri joint forces still solve the problem.

TNI and Polri plan to form a security team in Papua which is tasked with ensuring infrastructure development in Nd also runs smoothly. In addition, all KKSB members will be pursued until caught.

Police Chief of Police General Brigadier General M. Iqbal explained that the KKSB chase operation would continue. Whereas, previously, Yigi District was classified as a safe area until KKSB leadership Egianus Kogoya entered Yigi when he fled the pursuit of TNI and Polri.

The entry of KKSB had a major impact on Yigi’s security. Until this, the Yigi District became a red or vulnerable zone. “However, we will try to enforce the law against them,” said the former East Java Regional Police Chief.

KKSB’s savagery is already intolerable. When all Indonesians work together to display Indonesia, the KKSB is just the opposite. Without humanitarian assistance, the KKSB brutally killed civilian workers who worked hard to build the Trans Papua road. In fact, Trans Papua is needed by the community to improve connectivity between regions and accelerate community welfare. It is fitting that the TNI / Polri completely eliminate armed separatist groups in Papua, who have the heart to kill and extort their countrymen.


*) The author is an observer of social issues

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