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Accelerating Development to Realize Prosperity in Papua


Infrastructure development, education and health in Papua have become the government’s main focus in efforts to improve people’s living standards. Although there are still many challenges and problems faced, these efforts have produced significant results.

The Papuan people are slowly starting to feel the benefits of the various developments carried out. Better infrastructure has made accessibility to various regions easier, opened up new economic opportunities, and increased connectivity between regions. Education and health programs also provide communities with better access to the knowledge and services they need.

Acting Governor of Mountainous Papua, Velix Wanggai emphasized that there are five main strategies in developing the province of Mountainous Papua. Firstly, the Papua Mountain Provincial Government emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the Government, Provincial Government and 8 District Governments in building social communication to strengthen trust ( trust building ) in the presence of new autonomous regions, building regional identity and pride as well as the importance of affirming financing in the midst of high prices in the region. Mountains.

These various basic service programs are aimed at raising the human resource potential of Mountain communities within the framework of transformation of thought, culture and adaptation to development policies that change from time to time.

Second, in the last three months the Papua Mountain Provincial Government has been closely monitoring several of the Government’s priority agendas in the Mountain areas, such as handling inflation, stunting and health services, extreme poverty, unemployment, regional permits and investments, the use of quality Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets (APBD). and right on target.

In the last three months, various integrated steps have been taken to deal with inflation and high price levels. Attention is focused on improving and structuring logistics and connectivity systems, including opening subsidies for the Timika – Wamena air toll road, increasing the role of river routes in Yahukimo, and improving access to the Trans Papua road, to opening new agricultural centers in Yalimo, Jayawijaya and Yahukimo. Apart from that, cheap market operations and distribution of Rice Reserve Assistance were carried out.

The priority agenda is also focused on health services and community economic empowerment in order to reduce the poverty rate from 16.5 percent in 2022 down to 16.1 percent in 2023. In health services, the Papua Mountain Provincial Government focuses on improving hospitals that are already operating in 8 districts . The main attention is to the Wamena Regional Hospital which provides regional services, as well as the Nduga Regional Hospital which has not been operating for the last 4 months. For this reason, the Provincial Government has formed an integrated stunting team to unite steps to improve health services and other supporting measures.

Third, Acting Governor Velix Wanggai also emphasized updating the development of the 12 new Provincial Roadmaps. Currently, the Provincial Government has organized the institutional structure and human resources of the provincial government, completed the readiness of 137 Ha of land for the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) and the KIPP master plan, and completed the formation of the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP).

Likewise, currently monitoring the General Election process is underway to form a Detailed List of Payment Requests (DRPP). The provincial government has also begun preparations for the selection of DPRP members from the appointment route. The Provincial Government is also intensively preparing various planning frameworks, including the KIPP master plan , AMDAL, and preparing initial draft documents for the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for 2025-2029 as a definitive government guide for the regional election results.

Fourth, in accelerating regional development, Acting Governor Velix Wanggai explained breakthrough steps to touch the socio-cultural aspects and potential of Mountain communities, as well as being a landmark symbol for the development of Mountain Papua. As an initial breakthrough, the declaration of Mountainous Papua as a Festival Province was carried out. For this reason, a calendar of events has been prepared for 2024, starting with the language festival, the red grass festival in May, the coffee and regae music festival, the Baliem Valley cultural festival, the Wamena Street Fashion festival, the 12 Yahukimo tribe festival, the culinary festival, the 23 years of Special Autonomy festival and ending with Christmas Week Festival 2024.

Apart from that, other superior activities are focused on touching on social religion and sports, including the revitalization of the Gospel preaching site, improvements to the Wamena cultural museum, as well as collaboration in the management of the Papua Mountains platform at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), the arrangement of the Cross Monument area and the arrangement of the Wamena sports stadium. .

Fifth, apart from the socio-cultural approach, the Papua Mountain Provincial Government is also taking breakthrough steps in organizing and improving regional, city and village economic approaches according to local wisdom and the potential of local natural resources.

Meanwhile, the Mimika Regency Government, Central Papua, through the Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) is currently preparing a Preliminary Draft Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) for Mimika Regency for 2025 which has entered the public consultation stage involving cross-sectors.

Head of Bappeda Mimika, Ir Yohana Paliling, said the concept of development in Mimika must be inclusive, sustainable and participatory. So all parties must be involved. Infrastructure is important because it is the heart of development in order to open access. For this reason, infrastructure in all fields, not only roads, but also other infrastructure will also be built and improved.

Head of the Mimika PUPR Service, Robert Mayaut, said that in 2025 his party would focus on building urban drainage systems in four districts, namely Mimika Baru, Kuala Kencana, Kwamki Narama and Wania. Road construction to improve connectivity and access for the community will be carried out in the East Mimika, New Mimika, West Mimika, Iwaka and Tembagapura districts. Improving the condition of road stability will also be carried out in the city, Agimuga, Iwaka, Kuala Kencana and East Mimika Districts.

The government continues to strive to listen to the aspirations and needs of local communities, and ensure that development is carried out in a sustainable manner in accordance with the principles of social justice. Because for the people in Papua, the development carried out by the government is clear evidence that they are recognized and cared for as an integral part of Indonesia. With this appreciation, it is hoped that cooperation between the government and the Papuan people can continue to be improved for the sake of mutual progress and prosperity.

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