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AMANAH Program Creates a Superior Generation to Build a Quality Economy


The running of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) plays a very important role and brings many benefits in forming a young generation of quality and excellence to be able to develop a much higher quality economy.

In this program, the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan continues to strive to produce superior young people so that they can have an impact and make active contributions in advancing the region and building the economy in their region with much higher quality.

Of course, this is not without reason, because young people have a very vital role in relation to the development and progress of a region, including improving the economy. Reflecting on these conditions, the Government through BIN continues to optimize Youth empowerment through AMANAH.

Along with the advent of the digital transformation era, the digital economy has also continued to experience significant acceleration recently. Therefore, to deal with this, it is very necessary to develop digital skills, especially for Generation Z (Gen Z) or the Millennial Generation.

Moreover, developing the skills of young people is very important because this nation has a population of more than 191 million people of productive age, most of whom are Generation Z.

In fact, by 2030, Indonesia is estimated to need up to 9 million young talents in the digital sector. Therefore, the AMANAH program initiated by BIN in order to educate the younger generation to become increasingly superior deserves full support.

BIN Continues to Encourage the Development of Superior Young Human Resources

The State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN) continues to encourage the development of superior and great young human resources (HR) in Aceh and many other regions in Indonesia with various programs, one of which is the AMANAH Program.

Of course, with the implementation of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great program, young people in Serambi Mecca will be trained and experience increased literacy in many sectors, especially digital literacy, then they will also be trained in leadership and academics.

All efforts to implement the AMANAH program are to create a superior and great young generation, so that later they will be able to build or lead economic transformation in their region.

However, the ongoing economic transformation itself really requires good coordination and synergy from all related parties, including universities.

In the current digital era, the young generation in the country, including in Aceh, must be able to utilize all their talents so that they not only act as job seekers, but are able to become job creators.

So far, the entrepreneurship and MSME sectors are important keys and pillars for economic growth in Indonesia, and were even able to save this nation when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, when many other developed countries in the world experienced severe shocks in their economies.

The first debut of the AMANAH program itself is collaborating with the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUIPT) Patchouli Aceh, Syiah Kuala University (USK) to empower the millennial generation in Aceh in developing a creative economy based on patchouli oil.

In practice, they conducted training on four patchouli derivative products such as perfume, body butter, pomade (hair oil) and body wash soap. The training was attended by 72 participants.

The training was also attended by the Chairman of the BIN Strategic Analysis Board (DAS), Lieutenant General (Pun) Muhammad Munir, the Chairman of the BIN Research and Development Center Armi Susandi, the Head of Aceh Andi Rudi and a number of other invited guests.

Chairman of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Community (AMANAH), Muhammad Tanwier said that patchouli itself is one of nine superior commodities from Aceh with high economic value.

This is because Aceh’s patchouli is an export commodity and also a raw material for various industrial and international products, so it is hoped that through this training it will be able to become a driver of the local economy through the role of the millennial generation.

AMANAH’s presence in Aceh received a positive response from academics. Chancellor of Malikul Saleh University, Prof. Dr. Herman Fithra, ST, MT, IPM., Asean.Eng said that the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar institution or known as the AMANAH institution is a gathering place for MSMEs or creative industry players and youth, especially Gen Z, in improving the business and economic ecosystem in the Province. Aceh. He also invited all Acehnese youth to become part of the growing and independent AMANAH.

Through the AMANAH program, BIN continues to strive to create a superior young generation to contribute positively to economic development with much higher quality. Therefore, it is hoped that the AMANAH Program will receive broad community support in order to realize the economy and prosperity of the people of Aceh.

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