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AMN Prepares Superior Human Resources to Realize Golden Indonesia 2045


By: Arhadi Hunawam

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) in Manado is a strategic initiative in order to prepare superior human resources (HR) to support the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045. With complete facilities and a comprehensive coaching program, this dormitory is a forum for students from various regions in Indonesia to develop their potential and skills.

In this dormitory, students not only get a comfortable place to live, but also access to various training and development programs. These programs include leadership training, entrepreneurship, technical skills, and character development. The aim is to produce graduates who are not only academically intelligent, but also have  the soft skills  needed in the world of work

AMN in Manado is now ready to become a forum for developing youth skills in various fields. Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW Sulut), Ir. Nurdiana Habibie, said that the construction of AMN Manado was designed to be grand with a land area of ​​20,000 square meters. The area of ​​the AMN building itself reaches 1,595 square meters.

This AMN has very complete facilities. There are men’s and women’s dormitory towers, meeting halls, multipurpose rooms, sports fields, gardens, road access and parking areas. This facility is expected to support all the activities of students living there.

Full support from various parties is very necessary for the successful development of AMN Manado. It is hoped that good cooperation between the government and the community will be able to make AMN a center for developing quality youth skills.

Special Staff of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Father Benny Susetyo, believes that AMN does not only function as a place to live. AMN also acts as a means to increase student insight. At AMN, students can learn many things.

Students can learn rhetoric, organization, and build arguments and public opinion. Sufficient time to live in the dormitory will allow students to develop themselves optimally. It is hoped that the large number of mentors at AMN will be able to produce a young generation of high quality and competitiveness.

The construction of AMN also received full support from Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat). This university has prepared tens of hectares of land. The land will be used to support the development of student skills in various fields such as animal husbandry, agriculture and fisheries.

Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unsrat Manado, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo Soleman Gerung, gave high appreciation for the development of AMN. According to him, the construction of AMN is in accordance with the directions and instructions from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Unsrat Manado provides full support for this development.

With AMN, it is hoped that students can hone their skills to the maximum. They are expected to be ready to compete on the national and international stage. AMN Manado is expected to become a center for quality youth development.

It is hoped that the real contribution of the youth living at AMN will be able to have a positive impact on the development of the nation and state. This magnificent AMN development shows the government’s seriousness in developing the younger generation.

With complete facilities, AMN Manado will be a comfortable place to live for students. Life in an orderly dormitory is also expected to form a disciplined student character. Support from various parties will be very helpful in achieving this goal.

The presence of AMN Manado is also expected to improve student academic achievement. With various existing facilities, students can study more focused and effectively. Apart from that, it is hoped that interaction between students from various regions can increase the spirit of unity and integrity.

The development of AMN Manado also shows how important the role of youth is in nation building. Youth are valuable assets that must be nurtured and developed. With the existence of AMN, it is hoped that youth potential can be explored and developed to the maximum.

Support from various parties is very important in realizing AMN Manado as a center for youth skills development. It is hoped that good cooperation between the government, universities and the community can continue to exist. In this way, AMN’s development goals can be achieved well.

The development of AMN Manado shows how serious the government is in developing the young generation. With adequate facilities, it is hoped that AMN Manado can become a comfortable and productive place for students. Support from various parties is very necessary to make this happen.

With all the existing facilities and programs, the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado is expected to be able to produce a young generation who is ready to compete at the global level. Students who graduate from this dormitory are expected to not only become reliable professionals, but also visionary and innovative leaders. They will be agents of change who will bring Indonesia towards progress and prosperity.

The provision of facilities and infrastructure must of course be balanced by students who should be able to optimize the available infrastructure, to develop themselves, and reflect themselves as individuals who should be role models in every place and time, because as students they have intelligence. high levels that can be optimized to transmit knowledge about multi-cultural Indonesianness. 

Overall, providing facilities and infrastructure for the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado is one of the government’s concrete steps in its efforts to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045. By focusing on developing superior human resources through holistic education, this dormitory plays an important role in building a better future for Indonesia. It is hoped that students who have received guidance can contribute significantly to nation building and become the pride of Indonesia.

*) The author is a Jakarta student living in Malang

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