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Appreciating President Prabowo’s Commitment to Realizing a Drug-Free Indonesia


By: Aisha Putri Amalia*)

The fight against drugs in Indonesia has entered a new phase with a strong commitment shown by President Prabowo Subianto. Through the “Asta Cita” program, President Prabowo has emphasized his determination to combat drugs thoroughly, a step that should be appreciated by all levels of Indonesian society. The successes achieved in uncovering major drug cases show that the Prabowo government is serious in its efforts to eradicate the illicit trafficking of narcotics.

Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Inspector General Karyoto, explained that his party had succeeded in uncovering drug trafficking from an international network with a value of around Rp418 billion. In this operation, the police confiscated a total of 207.321 kg of crystal methamphetamine and 90 thousand ecstasy pills. Inspector General Karyoto emphasized that the eradication of drugs is part of the Police’s commitment to support the “Asta Cita” program initiated by President Prabowo Subianto.

Not only in Jakarta, similar commitments are also seen in various other regions. In Lampung, the Director of Drug Investigation of the Lampung Police, Senior Commissioner Irfan Nurmansyah, revealed his team’s success in thwarting an attempt to smuggle 159 kg of marijuana at Bakauheni Port. This arrest shows that police throughout Indonesia have moved simultaneously in combating drug trafficking, in accordance with the direction of the central government.

Meanwhile, in the Riau Islands, the Director of Narcotics at the Riau Islands Police, Senior Commissioner Anggoro Wicaksono, reported the success of a raid in Kampung Aceh, Batam, which secured 92 people, 88 of whom tested positive for drug use. This operation shows that the government is not only focused on arresting big dealers, but is also serious about dealing with the problem of drug abuse at the community level.

President Prabowo’s commitment to realizing a drug-free Indonesia is worthy of appreciation for several important reasons. The “Asta Cita” program not only focuses on eradicating drug trafficking, but also includes aspects of prevention and rehabilitation. This shows a deep understanding of the complexity of the drug problem. The arrest of an international drug network shows that the government is serious about breaking the supply chain of drugs from abroad.

Raids on drug villages show concern for the social impact of drug abuse at the community level. Operations carried out consistently in various regions show that drug eradication is not just a short-term program, but a long-term commitment.

Some steps that the public can take to support President Prabowo’s commitment include raising awareness about the dangers of drugs in the family and community environment, reporting suspicious activities related to drug trafficking to the authorities, providing support to former addicts who are in the rehabilitation process, playing an active role in monitoring the surrounding environment for potential drug abuse, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle and positive activities among teenagers and young adults.

President Prabowo’s commitment to combating drugs is also in line with global efforts to address the narcotics problem. By taking firm steps, Indonesia demonstrates its role as a country that is serious about combating transnational crime. This has a positive impact on the security and health of the Indonesian people, as well as improving Indonesia’s image in the eyes of the international community.

Success in eradicating drugs will also have a broad positive impact on the Indonesian nation. Reducing drug trafficking will reduce crime rates, increase community productivity, and ultimately contribute to the country’s economic and social progress. Furthermore, Indonesia’s young generation will be protected from the threat of drugs, ensuring a brighter future for the nation.

President Prabowo’s commitment to realizing a drug-free Indonesia is a grand vision that requires support from all levels of society. With high appreciation for the government’s efforts, active participation of the community, and close cooperation between various parties, we can be optimistic that the ideal of a drug-free Indonesia is not just a dream, but a goal that can be realized together.

Efforts to eradicate drugs also pay attention to aspects of prevention and rehabilitation. This shows a holistic approach in dealing with drug problems. By combining prevention, law enforcement, and rehabilitation efforts, it is hoped that a more effective and sustainable solution can be created in combating drug trafficking and abuse in Indonesia.

President Prabowo’s commitment to combating drugs also reflects an awareness of the importance of protecting Indonesia’s young generation from the threat of drugs. The young generation is a valuable asset for the future of the nation, and protecting them from the dangers of drugs is a long-term investment to ensure that Indonesia has quality and productive human resources in the future.

In a global context, Indonesia’s efforts to eradicate drugs under President Prabowo’s leadership also demonstrate the country’s active role in combating transnational crime. This can improve Indonesia’s position and image in the international arena as a country committed to overcoming global problems.

With consistency and sincerity in implementing the drug eradication program, the Vision of a drug-free Indonesia can be realized. Through the support and active participation of all elements of society, this ideal is not something impossible to achieve. Let us together support and contribute to this noble effort for a better, safer, and more prosperous future for Indonesia.

*) The author is a Public Health student from Medan

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