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Appreciation of Government’s Success in Reducing Online Gambling Transaction Figures


Jakarta – The government through the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kemkomdigi) has succeeded in significantly reducing the number of online gambling transactions. This step has proven effective based on data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), which recorded a drastic decline in transactions throughout 2024.

“In the first quarter there was IDR 21 trillion, in the second quarter it dropped to IDR 16 trillion, and in the third quarter it dropped again to IDR 4 trillion. If we look at the data, this means there is positive progress with the decline in the number of online gambling transactions,” said the Director General of Digital Space Supervision of the Ministry of Communication and Digital, Alexander Sabar, in the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of the Online Gambling Working Committee (Panja) Commission I at the Parliament Complex, Wednesday (21/1).

Alexander explained that this eradication effort is based on three main regulations, namely Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE); Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions; and Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 5 of 2020 concerning Private Electronic System Providers.

Kemkomdigi uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to filter, verify, and block online gambling content. In addition, they close access to websites and applications suspected of online gambling, block mobile numbers used for transactions, and provide technical guidance to internet service providers so that their systems are integrated with the trustpositif database.

“From 2017 to January 21, 2025, we have handled 5,707,952 online gambling content found on various Indonesian digital space sites and applications,” said Alexander.

This step is also supported by internal strengthening, where all directorate employees are required to sign an integrity pact and undergo an assessment to ensure full commitment to eradicating online gambling.

Alexander emphasized that collaboration between regulation, technology, and HR integrity is the main key in creating a clean and safe digital space. “This success proves that the government is serious about protecting the public from the negative impacts of online gambling and encouraging a healthy digital ecosystem,” he added.

This government effort has been appreciated by various parties, considering its major impact in reducing the number of online gambling transactions while creating a more conducive digital space for the Indonesian people.

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