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Appreciation of Socialization Increases Young Voter Participation in Papua Regional Elections


JAYAPURA – The General Election Commission (KPU) of Jayapura Regency, Papua Province continues to intensively conduct Pilkada socialization to increase the participation of young voters, especially among students or young voters. Ahead of the 2024 Pilkada, this socialization is an effort to provide an understanding of voting rights and election procedures to students at the high school/vocational school level so that it can increase the participation of young voters in the 2024 Pilkada.

The socialization activities carried out in Jayapura Regency received great attention because they targeted young voters, the majority of whom were going to exercise their right to vote for the first time. According to the Head of the Jayapura Regency KPU, Efra J. Tuny, this socialization is important to ensure that students understand not only the stages of the election, but also how to choose regional leader candidates who are in accordance with their vision and mission.

“The socialization activity aims to ensure that students understand the importance of voting, as well as understand the procedures they must undergo when participating in the Pilkada,” he said.

In addition to providing information about election procedures, this activity also aims to introduce regional head candidates and their work programs, so that young voters do not only vote based on popularity. With a deeper understanding of candidates and work programs, it is hoped that young voters can make smarter and wiser decisions when voting.

Similar activities were also carried out by the Yapen Regency KPU, Papua Province, targeting first-time voters aged 17 years. Acting Chairman of the Yapen Regency KPU, Hugo Alvian Imbiri, stated that this socialization is very important to provide understanding to young voters so that they know how to actively participate in the simultaneous Pilkada which will be held on November 27, 2024.

The socialization carried out by the KPU in these two districts has shown positive results and received appreciation from various parties, including the Central Papua Bawaslu. The Coordinator of the Human Resources and Organization Division of the Central Papua Bawaslu, Melianus Julius Korisano, said that this socialization effort is very important to build political awareness among young voters, so that they can actively participate in the democratic process and increase the active participation of young voters in the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada.

“Increasing the participation of young voters is very important for the sustainability of a healthy and fair democracy in Papua. We fully support the steps taken by the KPU in involving the younger generation,” he said.

The KPU hopes that with the increasing number of young voters involved in the Pilkada, the quality of democracy in Papua can continue to develop. This socialization is not only to educate them about the election, but also has a positive impact that can increase the participation of young voters in the 2024 Pilkada in Papua. []

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