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Being alert to money politics is one of the keys to the success of holding regional elections


The Regional Head Election or Pilkada is a democratic party at the local level in Indonesia. This process is an important moment for local residents to determine who will lead and manage their area in a certain period. However, behind this democratic spirit, there is the phenomenon of money politics which is a challenge and affects the quality of regional elections. The government and society need to be aware of this so that they actively reject and prevent the emergence of money politics practices.

Acting Regent of West Lombok, H. Ilham said that this Pilkada could be a momentum for all parties, both as organizers and as participants in the Pilkada, to build consolidation and harmonious coordination in order to realize democratic Pilkada based on the principles of direct, general, free, secret, honest and fair.

However, money politics has become a serious threat to the democratic process in Indonesia. Regional elections, which are supposed to be an arena for competing ideas, visions and missions between prospective leaders, are often tainted by the practice of money politics. On a broader scale, money politics not only harms the democratic process, but also damages political morality, creates unequal access to political power, and creates vulnerability to corruption in the future.

To realize a clean regional election, free from the practice of money politics, firm and comprehensive steps need to be taken. First of all, strengthening regional election supervisory institutions, such as the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), is very important. These two institutions must be given sufficient legal power to supervise, monitor and take action against violations that occur during the Pilkada process.

Southwest Papua Bawaslu member, Regina Gembenop, said that in the election support was spread to many legislative candidate members. This is different from the regional elections where political escalation was quite high and heated because public support was only spread across a few camps. The District Panwaslu is the spearhead of regional election supervision so that it works well and maintains integrity.

Election supervisors should not be easily influenced by lures so that they are tempted to commit violations. The candidates will target Panwaslu directly by practicing money politics. Money politics is a big distraction for election observers because it can damage integrity. Therefore, supervisors must be able to uphold their integrity. Just like faith, we must guard it well so that we stay away from things that encourage us to commit violations.

Apart from that, political education must also be improved so that people are more aware of the importance of protecting the democratic process from the practice of money politics. This political education is not only aimed at voters, but also at potential leaders and their campaign teams. They need to be given a strong understanding of the dangers of money politics and its negative impact on the democratic and development process.

Furthermore, transparency and accountability in managing campaign funds are key in fighting money politics. Each leadership candidate must clearly disclose the origins of their campaign funds and how they are used. Campaign finance reports must be submitted openly and accessible to the public so that every transaction can be accounted for.

General Chair of the COBRA Baros Ranger Commando, Deddy Supriadi, said that the implementation of the Pilkada would be considered successful if voter participation could increase and all elements of society could maintain conducive security and peace before and after the Pilkada took place.

Collaboration between stakeholders and involving elements of society is of course highly expected to create safe and comfortable conditions before and after the regional elections. Good synergy between all elements of Forkopimda, regional government, political party leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and youth leaders as well as all elements of West Lombok society in making the 2024 regent and deputy regent elections a success.

In order to realize smooth regional elections that are free from money politics, collective efforts from various parties are needed. Starting from strengthening supervisory institutions, increasing political education, transparency in the management of campaign funds, the active role of civil society, to high moral awareness and integrity, all are an integral part of efforts to build a healthy and just democracy.

It also requires high moral awareness and integrity from all parties involved in the Pilkada process. Candidate leaders must have a strong commitment to carrying out the regional election process in a fair and clean manner without using money politics as a tool to win votes. Likewise with the community, they must have the courage to reject the offer of money politics and choose leaders based on their qualities, vision and mission.

By eliminating money politics from the Pilkada process, we can ensure that the elected leaders truly represent the will and interests of the community, not just certain groups or interests. Only in this way can regional elections be an effective vehicle for realizing progress and prosperity for all levels of society at the local level.

Let’s together reject money politics/money politics or anything like that in the upcoming Pilkada with the hope that regional heads are truly elected as a result of democracy chosen by the people, not the result of money politics, let’s together present the 2024 Pilkada which is honest and fair.

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