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Beware of Papuan KST Hoaxes and Provocations Disrupting TNI – Polri Synergy


By : Markus Yelemaken*)

The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist (KST) group continues to try to disrupt the synergy between the security forces of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri). Their efforts to disrupt this synergy include spreading fake news or hoaxes and lots of provocations.

Of course, the entire community needs to be increasingly wary of any information obtained on social media or from the internet, because it could be that this discourse is a form of provocation and hoax spread by KST Papua in order to disrupt the synergy between the TNI and Polri.

When the public is able to be vigilant and not easily trust anything that comes from the internet or social media, especially if the narrative used clearly condemns the security forces, then in fact the public has also contributed to creating and maintaining synergy between the TNI and Polri from the threat of KST Papua.

It is known that recently a video has been circulating saying that the police are freeing members of the separatist gang in Puncak Jaya, Central Papua. Of course, the narrative and dissemination of the video continues to be deliberately spread by Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Groups in order to disrupt security stability. These things are worth keeping an eye on. It is clear that such discourse or narrative is fake news or a hoax, and is only an attempt by KST Papua to divide the nation.

Suddenly, members of the National Police immediately clarified the news and emphasized that the news circulating was completely untrue or was just a hoax and an attempt at provocation by the terrorist gang in Bumi Cenderawasih. Puncak Jaya Resort Police Chief (Kapolres), Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKBP) Kuswara denied the existence of this news.

In information whose origin is still unclear, a narrative of lies and attempts at provocation from KST Papua has been circulating, which has recently put the Puncak Jaya Police in the spotlight. With great courage, the gang, which has a different ideology from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), spread very cruel slander, namely accusing it of the police releasing their members who had previously been arrested by the TNI.

In fact, there is no need to doubt that it is clear that such information and narratives are fake news or hoaxes and are just an attempt to provoke KST Papua in order to bring down the National Police institution. Because in fact, it is very impossible for security institutions such as the police to do this. This also includes, for example, if there is unpleasant news from other security institutions such as the TNI and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), then we can be sure that this is just a divisive narrative from the terrorist gang.

The reason is, it is impossible for the security forces to do such a thing because they have been sworn in from the start to obey and obey, and be loyal to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, in fact, currently it can be said that KST Papua is panicking and has lost other ways to damage the country’s defense, so they are thinking about spreading hoaxes and provocations.

Not without reason, this is because so far the synergy of all joint security forces, from TNI, Polri to BIN has been very well established, including in Puncak Jaya. So knowing the very strong solidity of all the security forces, as well as the strength of the security forces, KST Papua thought of creating a hoax narrative and a provocation in an effort to overthrow the power of the security forces so that they could more freely undermine security stability on Earth of Cenderawasih.

In fact, just by looking at the fake news narrative using a healthy and rational mind, it is clear that this is absolutely impossible to happen because the security forces will certainly not allow this nation to continue to be damaged by these separatist gangs.

Moreover, if specifically in the Puncak Jaya area itself, to date there have still been no arrests of KST Papua members there, especially those carried out by the TNI. So how could such a narrative suddenly emerge, even though no arrests had yet been made there?

So far, the synergy between the TNI and Polri security forces has been very harmonious. All security apparatus institutions often carry out activities together. The existence of joint patrols which are often carried out almost every day between the TNI and Polri is actually very clear evidence that the integration between the two is very harmonious and even up to this moment nothing has happened there.

To investigate further regarding the case of hoax narratives and provocations, the National Police then formed a cyber team to track down the KST Papua account as the spreader of the hoax. The perpetrator will be charged under Law (UU) Number 11 of 2018 with the threat of up to 6 years in prison and a fine of IDR 1 billion.

In the future, so that similar incidents can be minimized or do not happen again, all elements of society, including the security forces themselves, must continue to increase their personal vigilance and not easily fall for hoaxes and provocation narratives created by KST Papua which only aim to destroy synergy. TNI and Polri.

*) Papuan Students Live in Yogyakarta

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