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Building Community Awareness to Face the Threat of Radicalism


By : Gavin Asadit )*

Public vigilance against the threat of radicalism is very important in maintaining state security and stability. The increasingly complex and rapidly growing threat of radicalism requires an active role from all parties, including the government and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), in building public awareness and vigilance.

Radicalism itself is a flow or ideology that wants social and political change and renewal in a violent or drastic manner that creates a widespread atmosphere of terror or fear, resulting in mass casualties or causing damage or destruction to vital strategic objects, this is done by ideological, political, or security disturbance motives.

Meanwhile, alertness is an attitude of vigilance that every individual must have in facing the threat of radicalism. This alert attitude involves knowledge, understanding and awareness of the potential dangers that can be caused by radical movements. The public needs to understand that the threat of radicalism does not only come from abroad, but can also come from within the country. Responding to this, it is therefore necessary to build vigilance against the spread of radicalism.

Vice President, Ma’ruf Amin, said that all parties should be aware of, prevent and overcome the threat of radicalism which results in the emergence of various violence-based incidents. To anticipate this, the government has a very important role in building public awareness of the threat of radicalism. The government continues to strive to provide accurate and reliable information regarding the threat of radicalism, as well as provide education and training to the public on how to recognize and report suspicious activities.

BNPT also has a crucial role in building public awareness. BNPT as the institution responsible for countering terrorism continues to be active in carrying out outreach, campaigns and preventive approaches to the threat of radicalism. BNPT has and continues to intensify cooperation with local governments, educational institutions and communities in implementing radicalism prevention programs.

BNPT Director of Prevention, Irfan Idris, said that the spread of radicalism is increasingly happening on social media and online media. Therefore, all elements of society are advised to increase awareness in digital media, both social media and online media, regarding radical content by increasing literacy and critical attitudes towards information.

In order to build awareness of the threat of radicalism, an active role from the community is also very necessary in building awareness. The public must be aware of the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the authorities. The community also needs to be involved in social and religious activities that can encourage a better understanding of the values ​​of tolerance and peace.

The importance of building public awareness of the threat of radicalism is not only related to state security, but also to the sustainability and integrity of the nation. Radicalism can threaten the diversity and unity of society. Therefore, the government consistently seeks to take concrete steps to build public awareness.

On the other hand, the spread of radicalism has mushroomed in various aspects, one of which is education. Therefore, it is important to build awareness about the spread of radicalism. In line with this, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, reminded all educational institutions to continue to increase vigilance regarding the threats and dangers of the spread of radicalism.

The government   is also increasing cooperation between institutions in handling and preventing radicalism. Good coordination between BNPT, Polri, State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and other related institutions will strengthen efforts to prevent radicalism. The government is also optimizing the use of information and communication technology to disseminate information about the threat of radicalism.

Apart from that, the government also holds training and education programs for the community. This program includes training in recognizing signs of radicalism, understanding moderate religion and ideology, as well as skills training in reporting suspicious activities. Education must also include materials that support understanding and appreciation of diversity.

In building public awareness, the government and BNPT involve religious figures, community leaders and traditional communities. They have an important role in spreading messages of peace and teaching the values ​​of tolerance to society. By involving these figures, society will more easily accept and understand efforts to prevent radicalism so that society will understand the dangers of radicalism and will consciously increase awareness of the threat of radicalism.

Public awareness and awareness of the threat of radicalism is not something that can be achieved in a short time. Maturity in thinking together requires cooperation and commitment from all parties to continue to build this awareness. The government, BNPT and society must support each other and work together in maintaining the security and stability of the country.

In facing the threat of radicalism, there is no room for negligence or reluctance. Community vigilance must be a top priority in maintaining the nation’s sustainability. By building strong vigilance, we can protect national values, maintain unity, and safeguard the country’s security from the threat of radicalism.

)* The author is an observer of social and community problems

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