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Building Conduciveness After the 2024 Election to Maintain National Unity


By: Puteri Hutagaol*

The 2024 election has just passed, and Indonesia is now entering the post-election phase. The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Marshal TNI (Ret.) Hadi Tjahjanto, expressed his belief that the post-2024 election situation has been successfully maintained and needs to be maintained. According to him, conducive conditions are a shared responsibility of the nation’s components so that development can run well. Hadi Tjahjanto is committed to continuing to ensure that state security remains stable, providing calm to the community, and maintaining conducive conditions.

Hadi Tjahjanto said that conducive conditions must be maintained as part of shared responsibility, so that development can be carried out well. His position as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs gives him a key role in maintaining the stability and security of the country.

In this context, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) also spoke. The Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong, invited the public to care for diversity, maintain harmony, peace and a conducive atmosphere after the 2024 elections. Usman emphasized that elections are a means of producing leaders who will bring progress to Indonesia. Therefore, it is important for the community to always maintain the post-election atmosphere so that it remains safe and peaceful.

The Ministry of Communication and Information provides an understanding that differences of opinion are normal in a democracy. If there are problems related to elections, they should be resolved through constitutional means without disturbing public peace. Diversity is valued as an important value in a democratic system, and democracy is considered a mandate that must be carried out as well as possible. The community is invited to work together to protect their hearts, minds and create harmony to build a better Indonesia.

An observer from the Cirebon City Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Rizki Riyadu Taufiq, assessed that the 2024 General Election was relatively safe, smooth and peaceful. This shows that society has shown maturity in responding to differences in views during the elections.

High awareness of national and human values ​​is the key to facing the future with strong unity and harmony. Therefore, post-election reconciliation and national development are important steps. Differences in views that arise during the campaign must be resolved wisely, especially through reconciliation between different political parties in determining their support and views.

Not only that, national figures are also expected to play a role in reconciliation, strengthening national values, and uniting Indonesia after the election. Society, as a key factor, is reminded to maintain harmony and peace amidst the political dynamics post-2024 elections. In this way, all elements of the nation can unite in building a just, prosperous and prosperous Indonesia.

In facing the post-2024 election situation, it is important for all levels of society to actively participate in maintaining conduciveness. Concern for diversity, tolerance for differences of opinion, and a wise attitude in responding to political problems are the main keys. In promoting unity, the active role of government, communication institutions and community leaders is very important.

As a society, we have a responsibility not to get caught up in polarization and conflict that can harm national unity and integrity. Elections are just one mechanism of democracy, and after that, we all remain one nation, one Indonesia. By respecting each other, listening to other people’s views, and trying to find solutions together, we can create an atmosphere that is conducive to moving towards a better future.

Unity and integrity have a positive impact on social stability and national security. By maintaining good relations between various community, tribal, religious and ethnic groups, we can create an environment conducive to development. Unity is not just words, but rather a concrete attitude and action in upholding shared values.

In this case, democracy is not only the right to vote, but also the responsibility to form a fair, inclusive and just society. Therefore, the role of society as the front guard in maintaining unity and integrity is very important. Awareness of the importance of working together, building harmony and respecting differences is the main key to ensuring Indonesia’s continuity and progress.

National figures, academics and community leaders have a central role in bringing together unity after the election. Their willingness to dialogue, embrace differences, and provide an example of wisdom will be an inspiration for society to follow in the same footsteps. The reconciliation initiatives taken by them can become the basis for positive change that permeates various levels of society.

By maintaining unity and unity, Indonesia can be an example for other countries in implementing a healthy and sustainable democracy. The 2024 election is not only a process of choosing leaders, but also a test for Indonesian people to show maturity in responding to differences and building a shared future. With the spirit of mutual cooperation, we can achieve the progress and prosperity that every citizen dreams of. Let’s work together to maintain unity and unity, because together, we are strong.

*The author is a Yogyakarta Political Science Student

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