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Double Effect of the 43rd ASEAN Summit for the Indonesian Economy


The 43rd ASEAN Summit (Summit) on 5-7 September 2023 in Jakarta is considered to be able to have a multiplier effect on the economy of Indonesia as the host. This was conveyed by Sriwijaya University academic Soekanto Saikuri, regarding the meeting of leaders of the United Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

According to him, the 43rd ASEAN Summit will mobilize various sectors, namely in the tourism sector (accommodation and hospitality), because many people will come and of course bring money to spend so that it can increase economic credibility or move the economy in Indonesia.

Of course, at the 43rd ASEAN Summit, ASEAN definitely wants to make ASEAN the center of economic growth in the ASEAN region globally. So, an agreement is needed on how to stimulate economic growth, especially in the ASEAN region.

In this activity, when ASEAN countries brought investors in their respective fields, it became a golden opportunity for Indonesia to improve the economy in various sectors. Indonesia can offer several sectors, such as plantations, trade and so on, and if this offer is successful it can drive the national economy.

Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono also added that holding the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 is not only a reflection of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, but also a potential for growth in the economic cycle for Micro, Small Business actors. and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jakarta.

To successfully organize the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on 5-7 September 2023, you cannot only rely on the role of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov), but need to involve all parties including the community, community leaders, religious leaders, and private sector (MSMEs). The roles of all elements of the nation are very important to maintain security, order and comfort in Jakarta during the activities.

Heru hopes to support Jakarta as the host of this international event, both at the level of Head of State and Governor of the National Capital as part of the 2023 ASEAN Indonesia Chairmanship series. Jakarta’s growth into a global city is interpreted by synergy with elements of society.

The sustainable development of the city of Jakarta will prioritize human progress and city infrastructure that emphasizes the balance of the ecosystem and the environment. Therefore, Heru said that his staff were ready to fully support the delegation’s activities while they were in the capital because they would definitely have a positive impact on tourism and business development, especially for MSME players.

Jakarta, which has a variety of interesting tourist attractions and attractions to visit, is a must-visit location for delegates. So, the Chancellor of Widya Mataram University (UWM) Yogyakarta, Prof. Edy Suandi Hamid, said that the 43rd ASEAN Summit in September 2023 needs to provide ASEAN tourism packages. This is considered very possible to support the goal of becoming the epicenter of world economic growth.

In 1988, there was collaboration with airlines from ASEAN member countries to support the connectivity of each tourism potential. As tourist destinations grow in all member countries, this collaboration should have more potential to be developed again. With these efforts, he believes tourism progress in ASEAN can be more evenly distributed and not only superior in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

In designing these tour packages, all member countries need to synergize their respective tourism potentials so that they can be connected and mutually beneficial. The market for tour packages is not only internal to ASEAN but has the potential to target tourists outside member countries such as Europe, the United States and the Middle East.

Indonesia as chairman of ASEAN 2023 needs to initiate discussions on ASEAN tourism packages to accelerate cooperation between regional countries. The 43rd ASEAN Summit is the right momentum to strengthen each other in the economic sector, one of which is through the tourism sector.

The 43rd Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit will be held on 5-7 September 2023 in Jakarta, slightly different from the 42nd Summit in Labuan Bajo which was held last May, the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on 5-7 September 2023 will not only be attended by leaders of member countries of the regional organization, but also heads of state/government from ASEAN partner countries.

It is believed that the implementation of the 43rd ASEAN Summit will have a positive effect on Indonesia which is expected to be felt by all of its people. Apart from being able to move the people’s economic sector, this implementation is believed to provide many benefits for Indonesia which has successfully led ASEAN as the epicenter of growth.

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