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Economic Opportunities for Holding the 2023 ASEAN Summit Felt by All Elements Up to MSMEs


JAKARTA – Taiwan-Indonesia Trade Analysis (TITA) analyst, Tulus J Maha revealed that Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN 2023 had many positive impacts for Indonesia.

One positive impact is for the MSME sector. According to him, the economic benefits felt by Indonesia from holding the ASEAN Summit can be felt by all elements, even Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

“The holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit has had a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. And of course these benefits can be felt even in the micro business sector or what we usually refer to as MSMEs,” he said.

Tulus also expressed his appreciation to the government because the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit was utilized optimally to advance Indonesian MSMEs.

“This certainly shows the government’s concern, that Indonesia’s chairmanship at the 2023 ASEAN Summit is utilized optimally to have an economic impact on local communities and MSME business actors. So that all elements of society can enjoy the economic benefits,” said Tulus

At this year’s ASEAN Summit, MSME is one of the priority sectors put forward. So according to him the government was successful in taking advantage of the economic opportunities from the annual event.

“We should appreciate the government’s efforts to take advantage of the economic opportunities from holding this year’s ASEAN Summit, because MSMEs are also one of the priority sectors put forward in the series of activities at the 2023 ASEAN Summit,” said Tulus.

Tulus added that holding the 2023 ASEAN Summit was also a great opportunity to promote local Indonesian products. So that it has an impact on employment absorption

“That the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit can be a big opportunity for the Indonesian economic sector, including in promoting local products and absorbing manpower. So this will further encourage Indonesia’s economic independence in the future,” he concluded.

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